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olderthandirt99 Asked April 2022

Mom is moving to an ALF soon. Any advice on type of phone to buy for her landline (not a cell phone)?

Would like a phone that has a speaker so she can use it hands-free and be able to program it so we can put our pictures on buttons but no 911 button.

freqflyer Apr 2022
olderthandirt99, check with the Assisted Living Facility, they may supply landline telephones for their residents. There maybe a rental fee.

With the facility where my Dad had lived, they supplied the landlines, he had to remember to dial 9 first to get an outside line.

JoAnn29 Apr 2022

This is called a Future call phone and does have pictures. Most phones have a speaker. My Mom could never use even the simplest cell. So I got her one similar to this. Just pick up and put down.
Part of my Moms problem was arthritis in her hands so hard to push buttons.


PeggySue2020 Apr 2022
Try this


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