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GardenArtist Asked April 2022

Does an APS worker take photos when she/he visits a "client"?

Countrymouse Apr 2022
Might do, yes, as part of documenting evidence. Not without the client's permission, and not without explaining how the images will be used, shared and kept secure (General Data Protection Regulations, I'm sure local equivalents will apply).

GardenArtist Apr 2022
VegasLady and Alva, thanks for taking the time to respond.  I had forgotten to thank you for taking the time to respond.  My apologies.


AlvaDeer Apr 2022
I would assume that they do. I do know that medical personnel take photographs of any injuries and sores. This would be a question you can ask them. There are privacy issues involves, but when you get "legal" entities involved the stops are generally off.

vegaslady Apr 2022
Yes, I assume they may when appropriate. I did when working for Child Protective Services. It may be used as evidence. Bruises heal so it is a good idea to record evidence when it is there.


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