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ConnieCaretaker Asked April 2022

How to get a social worker who can assist in applying for Medicaid?

Just for the sake of clarity (for all readers here), how does one go about getting a social worker to start the Medicaid application process? Is it an online application? Does the Social Worker need to meet in-person with applicant? Can a loved one get the process started? Are meetings held on Zoom?

babsjvd Apr 2022
I am scheduled to meet next week with aged disability resource center.. my county office ADRC … I contacted them a couple months ago, they did a verification that my mom physically qualifies. Moving onto financials. ..

mstrbill Apr 2022
You can likely do it yourself online. That is what I did for my father, I filled out the application online for LTC Medicaid, and the next day a social worker from the state called me. We also did it at the hospital with the social worker there. (I sent him to the hospital a few days after I had filled out the online app).


JoAnn29 Apr 2022
Call Social Serves and set up an appt. The caseworker helped me fill out the application and gave me a list of information I had to provide.
ConnieCaretaker Apr 2022
Do you mean Adult Protective Services?


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