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caregiver00 Asked April 2022

Mother cannot use steps anymore. We took county van, but it can't go up hill to get her in back. How can she go to eye doctor?

We don't own a car. She uses a walker and w/c when out. Ambulance costs over $700.00 round trip if not for emergency.

Isthisrealyreal Apr 2022
Is it possible for someone to wheel her out front?

Maybe the driver can push her from the back to the van.

Beatty Apr 2022
Are the steps at home? Or the eye dr?


againx100 Apr 2022
How old is your mom? Is there anyway for her to do PT to regain the ability to use steps? Does she need an ambulance transport or just a ride? I would think there are caregiving aides that can take someone like your mom to an appointment, costing a lot less than $700. I would also look to limit her appointments until and unless you find acceptable transportation.

PeggySue2020 Apr 2022
Can a wheelchair ramp get her to where she needs to be? Apparently, habitat for humanity, lions and Masonic will do that for free.


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