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SeekingInsight Asked May 2022

How do I engage a social worker to assist with finding programs and options for my 81-year-old mother to find affordable living?

My mother is 81 years old and currently living in a 2 BDRM, 2 Bath apartment in a 55+ senior living apartment building. Her savings is almost depleted and no longer can she afford the rent along with the other utilities, insurance, co-pays, etc. Her current lease is up in at the end of September. Her mobility is limited but she can make it to the bathroom and kitchen. She just can't stand for over 5 minutes. I have been making several phone calls and people have been caring and helpful, but I seem to get more names and websites to add to my list for searching, many senior living places have 12 - 24 month waiting lists and/or are excessively over the amount she can afford on her single source social security income. We have discussed downsizing but it's unclear if 1 BDRM/1 Bath units are available in her current building starting October 1, 2022 and even then, she will be extremely tight on funds. Is there certain criteria that must be met to engage an eldercare specialist or social worker that can help us navigate and find financial assistance and options available to her?


Thank you in advance.

lovelyliz Oct 2022
joann29 gave good advice. she is ready for a subsidized apt,

lovelyliz Oct 2022
get her on medicad they have housing also and can help. first call your area on aging for help.


lovelyliz Oct 2022
call your area of dept, of aging and sometimes people need to "shrare a home" and need a roommate for return of small rental fee,

JoAnn29 May 2022
If you haven't called your County Office of Aging, then try them. The only housing I can see Mom qualifying for is HUD subsidized apts. They require 30% of her monthly income.

Moms only utility Mom should have in an apt is electricity. If she has cable, does she have the basics. Does she have WiFi? Insurance do you mean health? Maybe she qualifies for Medicaid health? A State run prescription plan? If you are talking about car insurance, maybe she will have to stop driving and take advantage of Senior bussing.

When my Mom was on her own in 2013 she managed to live on 20k a year. She owned a 123 yr old 4 bedroom farmhouse. She paid someone to mow her lg lawn, $50 a week. She came to live with me in 2014, and I still paid upkeep out of her money until she went on Medicaid. I am very sure your Mom is just making it. SS yearly increases do not cover the increase in cost of living. I am sure my Mom would not be able to make it today and my Mom did not spend on anything she did not need.

mstrbill May 2022
Have you visited your state's local social service office and/or your local Agency on aging? If not, start there. Let them know your mother needs a social worker and assistance and is at risk. That should start you in the right direction.


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