My husband is in poor health. He has many medical problems and refuses to go back to see any doctors. He refuses to bathe and I have to wash and dry his clothes before he gets up. He won't wear any other clothes. He gets angry when I even mention getting him help to shower. He will not let me help either. I don't want to be accused of neglecting him if something was to happen to him. I have a hard time even getting him to eat and drink. He does not have Alzheimer's, he is just very stubborn and hard headed.
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I don't know that you would 'get in trouble' with the law for the fact that DH refuses to bathe........but you're already 'in trouble' mentally & emotionally by trying to deal with an impossible situation at home with a man that refuses to address his health issues. How much longer can that go on before YOU have a breakdown of some sort?
The next time DH has an angry meltdown of any kind, you can call 911 and have him shipped off to the ER for a medical evaluation and/or a psych evaluation. At that point, he can perhaps get tested and diagnosed for what's going on with him in ALL areas, both physically and mentally. You can then get guidance from the social workers at the hospital about what to do next.
You can also call APS to have him evaluated for choosing to live w/o cleaning himself and w/o medical care, and let them determine the next move. Their evaluation may be just what's needed to get the ball rolling for his future care.
Best of luck with a difficult situation.
The only thing I'd question is the refusal to see any doctors. How long is it since he was last examined or assessed? There are other forms of mental impairment besides Alzheimer's Disease; his heart disease puts him at serious risk of vascular dementia; and if he *does* turn out to lack mental capacity then his refusing medical attention isn't quite such a clear-cut choice.
Does anyone besides you get to spend any significant amount of time with him? I'm wondering if you could organize a mental capacity assessment on the sly.
Showering is different matter, got OT to send somebody to install bars in proper places, bench etc. and I get help for showers.
I as caregiver, see my role as supportive spouse, who is not responsible for my mentally competent husband decisions.
And I know you think he doesn't have any mental decline, but not wanting to shower often goes hand in hand with all of the dementias including Alzheimer's.
You can also just buy the extra large body wipes and waterless shampoo and conditioner caps to use for the time being as well. You can order both on either or Amazon.
And some people have had better luck with hiring an aide to come in to shower their loved one, verses trying to do it themselves.
I wish you the very best as I know how hard this is for you.
I would contact APS myself. It is not safe to be in a filthy condition. Some sort of assessment will need to be done. APS can assist you with this. I would imagine with such a person there is no POA or Advanced directive, so I don't know how far you can go with his doctor, but this is reportable to the MD.
And of course a shower isn't necessary; simply cleaning oneself with a warm clothe should be sufficient for someone of a certain age.
As you make all these steps you are documenting thereby your good faith efforts to keep this man safe, thus relieving you of responsibility.
I wish you luck.
Since he refuses to help you to help himself or see a doctor, I'd also recommend a request by the city/county to come in and evaluate him.