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Gigi124 Asked June 2022

What are the Medicare rules in Massachusetts?

Geaton777 Jun 2022
Do you mean MedicAID? That's different than MediCARE.

AlvaDeer Jun 2022
The information will be online for your state Gigi. This .gov site will help you.

Good luck wading through all this.
Gigi124 Jun 2022
Alva thanks so much- my mom is my best friend and I will protect her with every “ fiber of my being”!


lealonnie1 Jun 2022
??? Medicare is usually supplemented by another insurance plan that takes up the slack of what is not paid by the basic plan. You'd have to call the supplemental insurance plan to find out the answers to whatever general questions you have.

If you are talking about Medicaid, which is a horse of another color, my suggestion is to contact a Certified Elder Care Attorney in your state to give you guidance on the matter.


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