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VVinAshland Asked July 2022

I'm driving my pop (dad) up a wall! Any advice?

I am 58 and moved in with my parents last year to keep them under the same roof if it is possible. My mom was diagnosed with dementia four years ago and her care had surpassed what my Pop (God bless him) could provide.

So here I am.

The first six months were fantastic; it almost seemed too good to be true. We worked like a well-oiled machine.

Now 13 months later, I'm driving my Pop crazy, and that's driving ME crazy! When he asks me to do something, I always elaborate on his idea and offer to do something more. Basically, I hijack his perfectly good ideas. I can tell I'm deflating his spirit and it breaks my heart. 😔

What is wrong with me?! I may not be able to provide my Pop the same support I'm providing my mom, but I can show him respect and encourage him. Geez.

I lived alone, dedicating my time to primarily work for 25 years before I moved in with my parents. I am on FMLA now and will likely leave my position altogether at the end of 2022. I remind myself that I've given up some important things when the critical stick comes out and I start to wallop myself.


I can certainly use some practical advice. I'm grateful for this forum and look forward to your honest feedback and insight. How do I make this adjustment without hurting anyone along the way?

lealonnie1 Jul 2022
I think you said it all right here: "I lived alone, dedicating my time to primarily work for 25 years before I moved in with my parents." You have now dedicated your entire life to your parents, and dad doesn't need that from you. He's asking you for something simple, and you feel compelled to give him something complicated b/c you have nothing else to occupy your headspace, and that's what the problem seems to be. Your parents shouldn't be a 'project' to occupy your time, but something you do FOR them with your time, if that makes sense. You need to do something fulfilling for YOU that has nothing to do with caregiving, but is entirely devoted to your wellbeing and nourishment. Perhaps then you won't feel driven to go 'above and beyond' for dad.

Life should be a balance, where you do for yourself AND for others. If you're just doing for your parents and not yourself, the scale is tipped too far in one direction whereby your soul is starved and needing fulfillment of its own to function.

There's nothing 'wrong with you' per se, just that the scale is too heavy on one side and your head is screaming at you WHAT GIVES SISTER? :)

Wishing you the best of luck striking that balance in your life now.
Clairesmum Jul 2022
and that balance point is always moving, at least for me.
It does seem that the OP would benefit from having a job or other commitment that engages her brain and energy and provides a sense of accomplishment. Elder care is the one job where the more you need to do for your loved one increases over time and the level of positive reinforcement/appreciation expressed decreases.
MargaretMcKen Jul 2022
Could it be that you are bored to tears? Your devotion to your parents doesn’t give you enough to think about, so you turn every comment into a springboard for elaboration? Good intentions may not mean that you are making the right choices for the three of you.

Just for example, if your parents went to Senior Living or Assisted Living, you could still provide a lot of care to your mother, your father could have more interests, they would still be under the same roof, and you could keep your job.
VVinAshland Jul 2022
Thank you for this. Something to consider...


MeDolly Jul 2022
Might be time to take your life back, get a job, your parents can have a good life in AL, their own apartment, dining room, activities interfacing with people their own age.

Giving up your life at such a young age makes no sense to me, why?

Countrymouse Jul 2022
WHY are you giving up those important things?

Butt out a bit. Find your father some reliable respite care and agency back up to use when he needs a break, and then leave him in peace.

And don't be sniffy or passive aggressive about doing this. Be honest with your Dad and encourage the same from him. Tell him you want to be there to support him but instead you're crowding and disabling him, and you (both, all) need to revisit the boundaries.
VVinAshland Jul 2022
Thank you. This helps and gives me permission to consider different choices.
ConnieCaretaker Jul 2022
Before you sacrifice your "golden years," please get yourself a great financial planner to assist you in placing your parents and securing your future. Please ask the most financially successful person you know or an attorney to refer you to a wise financial planner.

Then, please contact an Elder Law Attorney to help you place your parents in one facility, where they can live, but maybe not together. I'm guessing Dad would like to meet other people and visit Mom as much as he wants without being overwhelmed.

You can love your parents and still be your own person. Give your parents and yourself the gift of freedom.
KaleyBug Jul 2022
sherry196 Jul 2022
My advice is don't give up your life, go back to work at least part-time, that will give your dad some space. You can still be there for him if he needs you, but you don't need to do everything for him. Go out with friends, enjoy life outside of your parents, then come back and just be with them.
You also need to sit down with your dad and let him know that you plan do all of this, that you know you are making mistakes and are driving him and yourself crazy. Offer to take some steps back and let him decide what he needs you to help him with in the care of your mother.
It could be that after the first 6 months, things has calmed down and with your help he now has a handle on things and only needs your help with certain things. This is another topic that you need to sit down and talk with your father about as well.
Communication is very important between you and your father with how to handle the care of your mother. So is listening to your father, I mean really listening to what he wants, needs from you. Don't over look his needs as well, maybe he needs to get out and visit with his friends, go golfing(if that is what he likes to do), just to get away and come back refreshed.
I hope this helps!
VVinAshland Jul 2022
Thank you, Sherry. Earlier this week I apologized to my Pop for hijacking his ideas. I also let him know I'm trying to temper my words. He gets it. My parents have been very forgiving.

You are right about me over looking my Pop's needs. I see that I do that. I'm working on that too.

Thank you for your help.
Kristen2037 Jul 2022
I think you’re being really hard on yourself. A big hat’s off for giving up your life to help your parents! It sounds like you’ve been an eager caregiver and have been working hard.

I guess it comes down to picking your battles. Let your Dad have some wins, especially with unimportant things.

I think maybe the more important question is what is the long-term plan when your Mom’s care may surpass both of your ability to help her.

Like others, I’m wondering about AL or some kind of serious living plan for your parents. If not, are you willing to sacrifice your life for them for many years?

Sending a virtual hug.
VVinAshland Jul 2022
Thank you so much, Kristen. You nailed it about giving my Pop "wins". This has been my mantra over the past week: "Let him win".

"Picking your battles" is another good guide. I've not been married but I'm learning so many wise lessons about sharing life with others. I'm "maturing up", even at 58. 😊 I guess it's never too late.

Sending a hug in return. ~ VV
Mjustice98 Jul 2022
When you elaborate on his original idea, can you add in your part later as if you got it from him? Just give him all the credit, even where you got the idea.
Remind him that you inherited his good looks and had a lifetime of his great advice is why you’re so dang good at it 😉
VVinAshland Jul 2022
This is fantastic advice, Mjustice. Thank you.
Ireland Jul 2022
Good Morning,

Do your parents realize how lucky they are to have you for a daughter?

It starts out everything is A-1 but the longer it goes on sometimes things will have to be done on a "good enough" basis.

Pat yourself on the back...I'm even planning now who is worthy of a Christmas card and am streamlining my list--not just for the increased cost of stamps but for my time.

As time goes on caregiving you are going to have to set boundaries, say no to invitations and stayed centered. You may not be thanked but you should give yourself more credit. Stay the course...

Also, one morning a week respite may not be a bad idea for all parties involved since sooner or later one of the parent's will out live the other.

Sounds like you are a newbie to this. You will know what make sense for your personal situation. We can all learn from one another.

robert152 Jul 2022
“Dad I love you so much, you know that right? For the last 13 months I have been trying to help you and mom and I can see your appreciation, it means a lot to me. I am also sure there are other times when I annoyed you, it’s only normal. We are two adults with our own way of doing things so Let’s talk about how I was helpful and when I annoyed you a little. We’ll agree there is no right or wrong here, just different views on how to tackle problems. I know you love me and Before we talk could you give me a great big hug? Please?
VVinAshland Jul 2022
Thank you for your tender response, Robert. It is sweet.
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