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Aliyah08 Asked August 2022

I am seeking information on the recovery from COVID but for someone who's diagnosed as a "long hauler" with symptoms that affects the neurological system?

My friend, who is 65 yrs old, had Covid and 3 months post-recovery, is still going through neurological problems. He's experiencing a cognitive decline, dizziness, total incontinence, fatigue, depression, unable to walk, except with max assistance, and other neurological problems like the lack of feeling on the surface of both legs or strong contractions of his muscles. Prior to Covid, he was fully functioning and lived a great life. Now he's unable to do anything without assistance. I am coping right now because I am really too tired to think straight, so I am functioning like a machine. I pray for strength and for his healing. I care for him in my home and have no family support. Right now, I am fighting depression myself, but with my Father Yah, all things are possible. Faith is how I cope.

polarbear Aug 2022
I, for one, will get back to care giving posts. Talking about the C vaccines is almost like talking about politics and religions. It won't change anyone's mind but might cause arguments among caregivers. I'm glad everyone is polite in this thread. Thank you for that.

igloo572 Aug 2022
Regarding clinical trials, if on 1, you can b “unbound” at any time.

My hubs went on Phase 3 summer 2020 Pfizer random population trials via Oschner & I went on J&J speciality population trial via Tulane Nov 2020; both in New Orleans. Both blind trials: so not told if you got real stuff or a placebo nor did any staff know. We pretty well surmised on our own hubs got the real juice as he had definite side effects after both shots; I had none so mine was a toss up. We both did regular online reporting of overall health, temp, O2%, exposure & in person blood draws. We both mask pretty often. Hubs office building was petri dish of exposures early on…. like every other week some elevators would be shut down for sanitizing… dz's hospitalized that we know well… so he had lots of known exposure filings. Hubs got a whopping $5 a week ACH after he submitted his weekly report; I got zero weekly. Abt $100 to start & $50 when intermittent blood work done. Not abt $.

Both Pfizer & J&J participants could AT ANY TIME request “unbinding” & this is in the consent form. You in writing, like via an email, send request over to local trial staff & in pretty short order get a document to E-sign & within 1-72 hrs get info on vaxx or placebo from the National or regional hub on your trial. It’s a match up of vial #’s, not names.

When 1st run of Pfizer & Moderna mRNAs became readily available 2/21, Hubs got a call from his contact person in trials Dept and in real time, while on the phone w/him did the email and became unbound and yep hub got Pfizer so was fully vaxxed & had been for months. He stayed on the study & getting round 3&4 vaxxes & blood work till this summer.
I had a bit more challenge in getting unbound as J&J wanted you to have an vaxx booked/scheduled & email that to the local staff and they forwarded to national study coordinator to get unbound, yada yada. & back then (seems like soooo sooo long ago now!) it was crazy to get an actual in-writing booking but there were couple of independent pharmacies that DNGAF as to criteria and would book, send a email confirm & do vaxx. I sent email & took like 4 days to get J&J trial statement that I got placebo. I got both Modernas; got a final blood draw & went off J&J trial last year.
Neither of us has had Covid & know this is accurate as the trial blood draws did specific testing (nucleocapsid) & Ig markers for type of Covid antibodies. Hubs mRNA degraded within 5 days of each vaxx and spike protein lasted 4 - 6 weeks. The mRNAs (Pfizer & Moderna) do not in any way change your DNA…. they degrade way too fast to ever do anything like that…. That is pure fear factor nonsense.

Since I vaxxed Moderna & then Pfizer, I’ll never get a J&J call back. Hubs may get a blood draw call 5 years from his first Pfizer vaxx, he’ll go.

Personally if at this point in time if you do not get vaxxed and do not have a documented legit health reason as to why a Covid vaxx is contraindicated, I’d like to see the life & health insurance companies to refuse to do coverage or pay out on policies. You get palliative care in your home, just too bad, so sad. The healthcare system in the US really cannot go thru another surge like what Delta did last year as folks with regular and accidental health care needs had to reschedule or wait or do without as the wards were full of unvaxxed Covid.
JudyBlueEyes Aug 2022
Exactly. Novavax did a double blind cross over study in the U.S. (multiple countries were involved with doing trials) so we were all guaranteed to get the vaccine at some point during the study. You could unblind at any time and for any reason.
As a side note, you all are aware that there are people who act as malicious trolls on sites like this for money? The more responses they generate on a particular subject, the more they get paid.


BarbBrooklyn Aug 2022
Igloo didn't say that adverse reactions were nonsense.

She said that the Tucker Carlson fear-mongering about spike proteins was nonsense.
polarbear Aug 2022
Same difference, Barb.

Per Igloo: "The mRNAs (Pfizer & Moderna) do not in any way change your DNA…. they degrade way too fast to ever do anything like that…. That is pure fear factor nonsense."

Igloo said the spike proteins degraded in HIS case. That's ONE case. For a small percentage of people, that is NOT true. Why would it be non-sense to fear something that DOES do serious harm to your body? You don't know if you will be the few and unlucky ones who will be maimed.

Igloo can't say his ONE case must be true for everyone. That is non-sense.
JudyBlueEyes Aug 2022
As someone who works in public health, it is discouraging to see so many still wrapped up in the disinformation and outright paranoia of everything from the origin of the virus to the vaccines to the nefarious reasons that are supposed to be behind it all. Your friend needs a great deal of help now with physical care and a good rehab program. Joining a clinical trial might be a good option but recovery will, in all likelihood, take a good deal of time. It makes absolute sense that covid is causing neurological problems. Central nervous system damage as well as peripheral nervous system damage combined with immune system mayhem have been well established as effects of the virus. Some recover quickly and some not so much. You are such a fabulous friend to care for this person and his needs but sometimes it is best for other sources to share that responsibility. At the bare minimum in home rehab services sound worth a try. Good luck to you and your friend.
lealonnie1 Aug 2022
Surely you are not saying the 'origin' of Covid was a natural occurrence coming from nature? Calling it 'disinformation and outright paranoia'? Let's call it what it is: a biological weapon coming out of the lab in Wuhan China financed in part by the NIH. Public health has taken a HUGE HIT with the public these days. I know of NOBODY who trusts ONE WORD coming from 'public health officials' mouths these days. Not one word. Vaccines in general, which nobody questioned all that much in the past, are now being questioned 100% by everyone. So called pro vaxxers are now anti-vaxxers thanks to the chaos, bedlam and death caused by the Covid 'vaccines' that weren't vaccines at ALL, but touted to BE vaccines by public health officials. Sad state of affairs the ** that has been forced down our throats. From 2020 on, I personally will question EACH & EVERY vaccine coming out including the 'flu shot' which is going to be mRNA in short order, meaning I WILL NOT be getting it! Period.
JudyBlueEyes Aug 2022
Gaeton, I just wanted to reassure you that you can NOT get polio from the polio vaccine in the United States. If you notice in the article you linked to, it states that the US is only using the killed version of the vaccine. The US DID use the live virus vaccine for a number of years but discontinued that many years ago. The case of the person referenced was a person from overseas who received the live polio virus vaccine and then came to the US. The spread of polio was then initiated to those who were not vaccinated at all. So, there are no worries for anyone receiving the vaccine in the US of getting polio from the vaccine. Could they still have a bad reaction to the vaccine itself? Yes, but it would be a one in a million event. And that reaction would not be of contracting polio.
sp19690 Aug 2022
And what happened when people were given the live version if the polio vaccine way back when? Way to skew the facts there were 2 polio vaccines back then. One caused many cases if polio and was even suspected of being the cause of a larger polio outbreak.
CTTN55 Aug 2022
There is little information on long covid, although now there are many studies being done.

The CDC has decided that long covid is the price people may have to pay for getting covid. It could be the next public health disaster. Since the majority of the population has decided that covid is over (and they have decided that it has been over for quite some time now), it's up to the individual to (attempt to) keep themselves safe. And if they don't/can't? Too bad.
AnnReid Aug 2022
Would you be kind enough to share your source for the statement “The CDC has decided that long COVID is the price people may have to pay for getting Covid”?

I stay fairly familiar with what the CDC puts out, and I can’t find anything like this statement, or in fact anything in the paragraph that follows.

It is important to me to be able to find references to what your comment contains.

Thank you for your anticipated help.
sp19690 Aug 2022
First of all people who are vaccinated and boosted are still getting covid. So the CDC's stuoud statement that long covid is the price people have to pay for getting covid is one if the many stupid things they have been saying for two plus years.

Second if they really were all about the science then they would be studying what treatments those with long covid received. And if they were vaccinated before or after getting covid. Because maybe just maybe the treatnents and / or the vaccines are contributing to these long covid symptoms.

But the CDC and Fauci and the rest of them are not concerned about science. They are more concerned about getting a needle in the arms of every single living person on this planet from infant to old age. For a virus that has an over 98% survival rate. There is no science behind any of this.

And FYI the CDC also does not track the rate of flu infection correlating with flu vaccination either. Just something to think about.
BurntCaregiver Aug 2022

I think Dr Fauci is concerned about science since he's dedicated his entire life to the study, prevention, and treatment of infectious diseases.
The vaccine and boosters do not prevent a person from getting infected with Covid. The prevent a person from getting dead from Covid. The same as a flu shot. It does not prevent people from getting strains of influenza. It prevents whatever strain they do get from killing them.
I had all my Covid shots and got it again a couple of months later. I didn't really get sick though. My only symptoms were that I felt tired and lost my sense of taste and smell for two days.
igloo572 Aug 2022
You’re in Baltimore, right? I have 2 suggestions
- Do Google search as to Covid clinical trials at John Hopkins & try to enroll in one.
- get your friend into a gerontology group practice that is affiliated with JH Medical school or Univ of Maryland medical school. It would be the practice that runs the gerontology residency/fellowship programs and has MDs who are gerontologists who also see patients within their private practice but it’s schedule thru the department.

That you live in Balmer where there is not 1 but 2 medical schools within a bigger health science centers is beyond fortunate. It will take work to get him into a programs but once he is, it should place him into a “continuum and coordination of care” system.

Also He’s 65 so should be able to be on MediCARE as his primary health insurance if he is no longer has employer sponsored health insurance. Please please make sure he does the paperwork for enrolling in Medicare ((this is beyond important as if he doesn’t enroll (even if he suspends it as he still has employer coverage) he can have a permanent increase later enrolled fee)).

Long Covid is uncharted territory. I will say this, the “long Covid symptom” Twitter subgroup is good, but tends to be epidemiology & stats heavy. You may want to check it out if you ever have free time (lol). Has lots of folks informed on ME/CFS which seems to be the disease group closest to a match up of long Covid symptoms.

sp19690 Aug 2022
OP let us all know this person's vaccination status. It makes no sense that covid would be causing neurological issues. But it does make sense that the mrna vaccine could cause them.

My biggest issue is the media blackouts and big tech blackouts when it comes to this vaccine. Anything that goes against the narrative is shut down.

You only have to look at history to see that the government is not exactly on the up and up when it comes to the general population. From small pox contaminated blankets given to the Native Americans to the Tuskegee experiment and countless other examples. Many in the medical community were given a financial incentive to go along with this. It's called a perverse incentive and leads to all kinds of bad things. The truth will come out eventually. It always does.
Anabanana Aug 2022
Systemic inflammation is not unique to the SARS-Co-2 vaccination nor virus.
MargaretMcKen Aug 2022
Some research going on here is finding similarities between Long Covid and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (which has been a bit of a mystery for some time). They are hoping that the research might help both!

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