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Katrina819 Asked August 2022

Why will no one help me! What am I supposed to do now?

I am a 62 yo woman and I've been disabled most of my life with a rare lung disease and heart failure. I own 2 1/2 acres that my home and my deceased mother's home is on. She was murdered, beaten to death in the nursing home in small town near our home in 2017. Now, 6 months ago strangers moved into my mother's old house on my private property without my permission. My electric and water bills have been screwed up since because they hooked up a hose and extension cord directly to my home. I have been in shock, and disbelief ever since. I've cussed at them and I have contacted everyone and anyone who is supposed to or could possibly help me. The very same sheriff and APS that I talked to when my mother was killed are the same one's who come here and I told them everything happening. The sherrif informed me right then that they were stealing my electric and water and they cook meth and they lost track of them apparently when they moved to my property! I have Never heard from either of them again! They just left me here with that information now in my head and scared to death! And I have been literally out of my mind! And my mom's sweet chihuahua who saved me multiple times after her death and my only companion for 5 years died a week ago because of them. Also, my home had a water leak that I was just unable to recognize so my home has severe structural damag and full of black mold so I no longer have a safe home! I have not had any food except for 3 pizzas brought to me by them when I was desperate. I was also diagnosed with diabetes less than a year earlier and put on victoza which I have not had in months. So with all that and the heart and lung disease I already had, I have been very seriously ill. For weeks I couldn't stop throwing up so I lost 50 lbs in 30 days. Then they showed up here! Right after my mom was murdered I spent 30 days in the hospital but I'm absolutely much sicker now! The only thing I can get to eat I have to order from Amazon and Walmart which isn't really food. I just can not wrap my head around why in the world absolutely no one will help me because I know it's all kinds of wrong and serious crimes! I've done everything humanly possible and have told everyone and anyone who would listen but to no avail. I'm now just to exhausted to fight anymore! I don't think it would help me anyway! At this point I'm not sure that anyone can help me.

Grandmaofeight Aug 2022
I agree with the other posters, you need the FBI. I would also find a way to disconnect there use if your electricity and water. Perhaps you know someone who can help with that? Cut the cords they used in half after disconnecting. I would think the electric and water companies could help with that. It is illegal to steal water and electricity

i also recommend calling the DEA, record any activity you can to document these people for identity etc.

the Sherrifs may have acted on this but if they are doing an investigation with other agencies they wont be able to inform you of that as it would interfere with the investigation. I hope the proper authorities are doing surveillance so they can gather evidence and move in in these people. They need evidence to build a case

JoAnn29 Aug 2022
I agree, call the State Troopers or FBI. Looks like you did everything right.


Isthisrealyreal Aug 2022
If your local law enforcement won't do anything about Meth manufacturers that have squatted in your mom's vacant house, contact the state police and your states bureau of investigation. They should be able to help you.

Don't let this drag on, believe it or not, time gives these scumbags rights.

freqflyer Aug 2022
Katrina819, wow, I don't know even where to begin. Hope everything gets straighten out.

lealonnie1 Aug 2022
Call 911. Immediately.

Have a nice day.

sp19690 Aug 2022
Let's not fall down the rabbit hole with this post. If the sheriff won't help what does OP expect from any one here? And walmart does deliver real food. They have meat and veggies that can be delivered. You order online and they deliver it
Katrina819 Aug 2022
Unfortunately I live in a small town, no one delivers. You're absolutely right! I knew when I never heard back from the sheriff and aps, that I was in trouble. I feel like I'm in a foreign country. I never dreamed this was possible!
Becky04469 Aug 2022
Who is Katrina. This is not the name you gave in your original post.

vegaslady Aug 2022
Contact your local Adult Protective Services agency on yourself and ask for help. I think you should also be in touch with your doctors to get help with your variety of issues. You should get a complete workup, physical and mental to assess your current situation.
Katrina819 Aug 2022
I have a case worker, therapist and nurse that I see regularly. They are as confused as I am and also searching for help.
Becky04469 Aug 2022
Contact the Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation and report the Marshall County Sheriff for not moving out te squatters. If they are actually cooking meth the state will be interested in shutting them down. If you have no food contact the Marshall County Social Services department to get you SNAP and arrange food delivery
Katrina819 Aug 2022
Tthey're not squatters because it's against the law to do what they're doing, it's called elder financial abuse. And why it's makes absolutely zero sense that I've been doing this for six months!!! I have also had a personal care assistant coming here to get groceries and run errands but they have had a hard time keeping them. And I think the sheriff is an idiot. I have done everything a woman is supposed to do and more! Hence when I found this forum, and as afraid as I am in general, I'm losing hope and desperate for a solution so I decided it couldn't hurt.
AlvaDeer Aug 2022
Jackie, with all of these hospitalizations, I am wondering if you have contacted a Social Worker, and have you made use of any benefits you can get through city, county or State?
I would keep calling the sheriff about the squatters on your land, and don't have a clue what else you might be able to do about that.
I am so sorry for all you are going through. Please call the local council on aging in your area.
I agree with PeggySue that you must not here give out private information about yourself such as addresses, full names, emails and etc. That can be dangerous on social media. Again, I am so very sorry.
Katrina819 Aug 2022
I can't find how to get my name off! I went back and took of any personal info so I don't know what happened and why I have never done anything like this before. And I can't find how to fix it or who to contact for help, any suggestions?
PeggySue2020 Aug 2022
Hi OP.
First redact your full name from your post. If your time is up, please report my post so the admins can do that.

Second, investigate active senior livings.
Grandma1954 Aug 2022
at 62 she may not qualify for many Senior housing.
Some do start restrictions at 55.


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