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pagstar Asked August 2022

Any recommendations for a reliable caregiver service in North Pinellas County?

On my second one in 3 months...ready to find a 3rd. Disgusted... Both services failed to meet my needs. The first kept changing caregivers, not showing up, unable to be reached by me or the company. The second one found a good caregiver, but because she's so good, they keep bouncing her around and changing my schedule...sometimes going 5 or 6 days with no help. Found out they have trouble filling my position because my husband is heavy....approx 230 lbs and uses a Hoyer Lift. He also had an AKA in March. They don't realize he is very strong, has ropes to help him roll in bed for bathing and dressing, and the lift is electric. The company did not share this with me, but they told the caregiver.

MACinCT Sep 2022
A Hoyer should not be handled by 1 person for safety reasons . You might need 2 caregivers. As for your location, you may never find another person in this Forum who has the same needs.

JoAnn29 Aug 2022
We are a forum of caregivers from all over the US, Canada, UK, as far as Australia and other countries. Unless one of us lives near you, this question cannot be answered.

Why not try privately. Seems the agencies are short staffed.



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