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JulieKac Asked September 2022

Constant repetition. Any advice?

Can anything be done about constant repetition? I don’t mean repeating the same stories or questions, I mean constantly chanting my name, saying "Are you there?" "What are you doing?" "Are you ok?" My father is basically doing this from the moment he gets up to when he goes to bed (and during the night).

Midkid58 Sep 2022
The only thing that comes to mind is perhaps a mild sedative that calms him down. Is he upset because he can't find you, or do his speech patterns go in cycles?

Talk to his PCP. I really believe in the juducious use of medications where they can help calm a person down. Your dad sounds kind of frantic which makes for a frantic household.

DianaGearhart Sep 2022
My Dad went through the same thing. I just lost him last Tuesday. He talked all day and night-even in his sleep. My Step-Mother eventually got use to it. She was definitely upset by it in the beginning. I would recommend turning on a tv or music as background noise. I found that putting on a tv show that he was once interested in or he could relate to for part of the day and calming/meditation music the second half of the day helped him focus and stay calmer.


Geaton777 Sep 2022
I agree with Midkid58 that it may be anxiety that can be addressed through medication. Or, it could be Shadowing, a very common dementia behavior.

Can you give yoour father a simple task to do? Like fold kitchen towels or sort & pair socks or nuts & bolts? Basically sorting anything... this refocuses attention and will burn mental energy. Let us know if you get anything to work,

NannaJ Sep 2022
He might benefit from an activity board. You can make them or buy them online usually. They are basically a piece of board with bolts, dials, maybe a socket and switch, a door chain, but all things that he is familiar with and can fiddle with for stimulation. Also a memory book with lots of photos from his early life, family etc. And I agree with the music or old films. Good Luck. My sister used to grind her teeth from morning till night and it drove me insane!!

MicheleDL Sep 2022
I bought my husband a smpltec flip radio
It has about 40 prerecorded songs and pieces of music from the 1940's. I'm not tech savvy but more songs can be programed on to it.
I'm also currently arranging for him to participate in a memory day care center two days a week. Every half hour they change activities and have different levels of care.
I hope you find something that is helpful to you.
Best of luck.

NancyIS Sep 2022
Repetition is a common symptom of dementia. When people have dementia, sometimes their minds get into a loop and they keep replaying the same thing. At least your father's loop is one of caring about you. It also may mean that he feels a bit anxious about being alone. Be thankful that he cares! People with dementia go through phases. This phase eventually is likely to pass. Can you say something reasuring to him, like "Hey Dad, I'm here. I'm good. Thanks for asking."? Or if you find it irritating, can you just turn it off in your mind? All the best to you both.

JoAnn29 Sep 2022
Maybe some anxiety meds. Call his doctor. This would drive me nuts. (really, doesn't take much)

againx100 Sep 2022
Agree that he is having some form of anxiety that could be managed with meds. As long as it continues, try to ignore it. Put on some music, kind of loud. Check on him regularly but you don't have to respond to the constant repetition. Must be driving you crazy!

ConnieCaretaker Sep 2022
Someone on this forum purchased ALEXA just for the same situation!

The mild sedative idea sounds logical, too. Look for a Geriatric Psychiatrist.
Geaton777 Sep 2022
Alexa only works if the person can remember to start each inquiry by actually saying, "Alexa..." and then will need to form their inquiry in a way that Alexa can understand. It's not really a viable option unless the caregiver is the one asking the questions to Alexa.
Llamalover47 Sep 2022
JulieKac: Quite possibly, your father, Gerald is anxiety ridden when you're busy performing other tasks. Because you cannot be in his line of vision 24/7, it makes him anxious. Maybe a visit to his primary care physician for assistance with anti anxiety medication(s) and if needed, a referral to a specialist for same would be beneficial.

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