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collegemom65 Asked September 2022

Can I get paid if I am the sole caregiver?

Wanted to find put because I need help with gas and expenses.

Grandma1954 Sep 2022
Mom can pay you with assets she has.
Mom should also be paying a portion of ALL household expenses. (take number of people living in house, divide by that number and she pays that portion) That includes Mortgage, gas, electric, food, cable, garbage, water, sewer.....
And mom pays you for driving her to and from appointments. (check what the IRS limit is I think it is a bit over $0.58 per mile for this year)
Mom should also be paying you for caregiving. Check the rate in your area if she had to pay an agency for the care that she gets.
All this should be documented and keep careful records and receipts in case there is a need later to make application for Medicaid. you do not want any money being looked at as a "gift" this was money she spent for her care and safety.
Now if mom is a Veteran the VA may pay you to care for her.

Geaton777 Sep 2022
You can be paid by your LO, but as far as being paid by any other source, your LO would need to qualify for Medicaid for her state.

This forum has a good article on that topic:


WAunpaid Sep 2022
Maybe. Maybe not. Depends mostly on what state, but other factors as well.

Nothing in my state (WA) says I can’t be paid, and I personally know a few adult children that have been paid to care for a parent….but when my mom told her case manager she wanted to hire me (I was already doing the job for free when caregivers who were being paid didn’t / couldn’t / wouldn’t), my mom was told I “wasn’t a good fit”….guess I’m “a good fit” as long as I do it free but not good enough to be paid for it.
Geaton777 Sep 2022
If your Mom had a caseworker this means she was on some sort of county assistance, like Medicaid or SSDI? If so then being paid means you'd have to meet state and local requirements, hence the "fit" comment?


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