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Christine44 Asked October 2022

Reasonably priced Part D Plans for prescriptions? 300% increase for current plan starting January 2023. (300% NOT a typo!)

I have Plan D coverage through Elixir (changed its name from Envision about 2 years ago.) They sent out a notice a couple of weeks ago increasing their rates for 2023 by 300%: going from approximately $20 a month to about $60. This is a plan called "Elixir RX Plus." I have a fair number of almost daily prescriptions (5) one of which I've never bought the generic for. A couple of years ago the Insurance Commissioner of my state only allowed them something like a 1 cent increase, but then last year they got away with going from $14 to $20 a month and nothing was done by the Insurance Commissioner to scale this back. I have no idea if state government will allow Elixir to get away with this 300% increase. Further bad news: according to the latest AARP newspaper (Oct. 2022) this year there are "fewer than ever" Plan Ds available. If you're lucky enough NOT to have to take a lot of prescription medications then your plan probably isn't worth looking into for me. The prescriptions I take (with the exception of one) + the non-generic are not all that expensive -- not sure why -- but of course this could change.



MACinCT Oct 2022
This is the perfect time for insurance review to compare plans. If costs are still high, then call around to pharmacies or ask the doctor to see if he knows lower cost pharmacies. My eye drops would cost me 8k a year, but my eye doctor ordered through a pharmacy that cost me $600. A woman in my support group also found better costs be also calling the manufacturer for her Parkensons husband.

Christine44 Oct 2022
Thanks for answering on the weekend. You're right about the meds-- wasn't thinking of that! Just thought maybe some people here have or have heard of plans that are known to be good and cheap as they might be the first ones to check out.
Isthisrealyreal Oct 2022
You are welcome!

Have a great weekend.


Isthisrealyreal Oct 2022
I would contact an insurance broker and they can plug your meds into their software and tell you what plan is best for your needs. It is ALL based on the meds you take, so, really, nobody can help you with this, except a broker.


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