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cna74145 Asked October 2022

Buying out a caregiver's contract with an agency. Any advice?

JoAnn29 Nov 2022
Be aware by buying out a contract to be able to hire an aide, you will now be the employer and will be required to deduct payroll taxes and send the taxes onto the specific agencies.

freqflyer Oct 2022
cna74145, sounds like you want to hire a caregiver who works for an Agency, but the caregiver's Contract with the Agency says there will be a cost? Is that correct?

I know for the cargiving Agency that helped my Dad, the buy-out fee was $5,000 if I wanted to hire one of the caregivers outright.

Please note, if you are able to buy-out the Contract, don't forget to contact your home insurance carrier to purchase a "workman's comp" policy. Such a policy, which is usually there for a caregiver who might get hurt on the job, licensed Agencies offer such insurance on their employees.


Isthisrealyreal Oct 2022
Do you have a specific question about doing this?

Read the contract, it will cover this situation, whether you are the client or employee, it will cover it. If not, then there isn't a buyout.


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