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cpedrone Asked November 2022

I need to place my mom for immediate care. Any advice?

I placed a deposit at a memory care facility yesterday but the admissions director is out sick this week and the executive director didn’t know if the rooms they have available are actually available. I am meeting with an attorney to get emergency guardianship because my mother’s resistance to go. She is not eating and is wandering the neighborhood. Do you have any suggestions for a temporary placement?

Fawnby Nov 2022
Baker Act in Florida, it's called by other names in other states. Involuntary hospitalization for a few days out of concern for someone who has a medical problem and at risk but can't or won't seek help.

Geaton777 Nov 2022
I would call 911 and have her checked for a UTI. Sepsis from infection is definitely a concerrn. If she is supposed to be taking meds, she may not be taking them properly and therefore could be over- or under-medicating herself resulting in her current behavior changes. The same can be true for dehydration and vitamin deficiency, both of which can produce dementia-like symptoms.


AlvaDeer Nov 2022
In home care through an agency may be your only option. You are already moving very fast. Did this come on suddenly? Was there a sudden and radical change that made this rush so necessary? I only ask because if this is a sudden change in mentation you may be dealing with a UTI or other physical problem.
Last resort would be hospitalization with some sort of made up thing, through an ER with admission and call in the social worker right away. This would give you a strong diagnosis and write up, without which you may not receive guardianship.
So sorry you are going through all this. Hope others have better suggestions than my own.


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