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IamShe4Her Asked November 2022

Can anyone tell me how you relax after taking care of your loved ones?

My mom is 85 with avascular necrosis (her hip is deteriorating) of her right hip and knee. Her mobility has severely decreased, she is now using the bedside commode, unable to go up / down stairs anymore. It is hard watching her in constant pain, her bones move out of places all the time. Sometimes I wish I had someone to talk to that understands.

MeDolly Nov 2022
I drink wine!

DoingMyBest73 Nov 2022
I like being outdoors and I find even just taking the dogs to the dog park, or going for a walk by the river, helps me decompress. I sometimes will just walk for ages listening to a podcast — it's a habit I picked up during the worst of the pandemic, where I was walking five miles some days!


AnnReid Nov 2022
I play a musical instrument at a fairly high level, but there are MANY levels of playing and MANY types of instrument that can supply amazing stress relief and relaxation during time “off the clock”.

My time in wind ensemble, my highest level music group, and also while practicing by myself, requires my highest level of concentration, so for me that time functions like meditation.

Don’t waste any time if you’ve been telling yourself that you’re “too old”. I started my instrument FROM SCRATCH at age 75, and I haven’t stopped since.

Hope you will all ”FIND your BLISS!”
bundleofjoy Nov 2022
you're amazing!
baileyif Nov 2022
My big treat reward for me is to go to McDonald order a small coffee and an ice cream cone then I take my time slowly consuming both in a booth.. if it's a really good day there will be some kids I can watch.. who talk their parents in to getting them a cone like I eating.
people watching, eating my cone, drinking my coffee has always been a reset for me for the longest time.
ACaringDaughter Nov 2022
Best advice ever.

im taking a screenshot of this!
Sunnydayze Nov 2022
I watch YouTube videos on topics that interest me...baking, household tips, etc...

TeethGrinder65 Nov 2022
Reading, baking, yoga, walk with a friend, long hot shower.

I hope your mom is getting good pain control. Hang in there.

Mikurotoro92 Nov 2022
I talk to my friends, listen to music, play video games, watch TV shows and movies & start planning my eventual escape from this awful situation I have found myself in for 2 years!

KNance72 Nov 2022
I Have had a social worker that helped - she retired . I did go to a community acupuncture clinic 1 - 2 times a week - They closed . Once in a while I get a massage . In summer I ride My Bike to the beach and swim and cook healthy meals . In winter I watch Netflix or Movies on Amazon prime . Once in a while I go out to eat and people watch . I garden and Have Plants . I agree Its very Hard and stressful to watch a Loved one deteriorate . Just enjoy the time you have left . I Find beauty in watching The orchids Bloom - Little things . Maybe find a support group - I was in One for Over a year . Have you contacted Hospice they maybe able to Provide some social services for you . I Hope you find some support this is a lonely road . Having a real person to talk to face to face is very comforting .

Justmythoughts Nov 2022
Talking is important. My friends are lovely, but it helps me to have someone OUTSIDE of the whole situation. I go to a counselor every few weeks and just vent. I tell stories that I would never burden my friends with and share feelings I'd feel too guilty to say out loud to anyone in my family.
Whatever you decide, I wish you well.

ACaringDaughter Nov 2022
Lots of us understand.

These are all great suggestions.

Take some time for yourself.

The gym invigorates me. After a gentle workout I enjoy the warmth of the sauna. It clears my mind.

Make a list of everything that makes you happy. For me that would include watching a sunset, antiquing, a bubble bath, etc. put each idea on a small piece of paper. Make sure each is easily possible with the resources you have available. (Read about Paris instead of Fly to Paris is “do-able” for me). Deposit them in a fishbowl. Add another from time to time.

When you are having a bad day, treat yourself to whatever you pick from the fishbowl.

Thinking of you.
bundleofjoy Nov 2022
“When you are having a bad day, treat yourself to whatever you pick from the fishbowl.”

unfortunately, i treat myself way too often. i’ll have to set up a mouse-trap, against myself, on the fishbowl.

will now go and set up the mouse-trap.
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