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Momof3girls Asked November 2022

Hospice will be starting on Monday, how long is the ending process?

JoAnn29 Nov 2022
Your profile says Mom has a Dementia. Is that the only health problem she has? Usually Dementia is not a main criteria for hospice. Is Mom showing signs of transitioning? This means she is in the dying process. If so, it could be a few weeks, it could be months depending on her decline.

My mothers decline was she would not get out of bed. Then she could not swallow and that was when Hospice was called in. She passed 6 days later. From beginning to end it was 2 weeks. Unless Mom for some reason improves, Hospice will be there till she passes.

At this point, the Hospice Nurse will be your go to person with questions. She will come every 2 or 3 days during the week but should be available by phone 24/7.
Isthisrealyreal Nov 2022
Just an FYI, the nurse comes out based on the condition of the patient. Actively dying gets more attention then lingering. Mom may not get 2-3 visits weekly.
MJ1929 Nov 2022
There's no answer for that. One poster here had a husband on hospice for 22 months. My mom was on it for eight months and didn't eat anything except Boost milkshakes the entire time. Others make it only a day or two because the family waited until their breaking point before calling in hospice.


funkygrandma59 Nov 2022
Only God knows the answer to that question. My husband was under hospice care for the last 22 months of his life and hospice told me 3 different times that they thought he was dying, yet he continued to live, until his death in 2020.
So just enjoy whatever time you have left with your loved one and make sure that you leave nothing left unsaid.

polarbear Nov 2022
How long is the ending process? Depends greatly on your mother's current condition. If she is very near her end of life and no longer eating and drinking, it could take days or weeks till she passes.

How is your mother right now?

BarbBrooklyn Nov 2022
That depends on a lot of factors.

Is mom on any life-saving medications or treatments that will be stopped?

If not, she could be on Hospice for a long time. Hospice doesn't hasten death.


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