Hi all you’ve been brilliant in the past and you all normally comment brilliant answers and it helps with my mental health that I’m not alone in this. I go to my mams on a Monday, Wednesday all day and a Friday all day. I phone twice a day and if she needs anything dropping off shopping etc. I take it. I take her shopping on a Wednesday but if she wants to pop to some other shops I’ll take her. I take her to all health care appointments. I hoover for her and cook a meal once a week. I work nightshift and have a very busy family life with 3 children (albeit one is an adult) but still lives at home. My husband works full time.
Any how to get to the question could my mam be jealous? My husband and I went out for a date day/Christmas shopping. I phoned my mam to see if she needed anything and if I don’t I just get more whinge immediately straightaway she went on about she’s by herself again, she’s used to being by herself and doing everything for herself. She wishes she was dead, she hates Christmas. She never asks for anything, never complains and then promptly slams the phone down. My husband says it is so that instead of concentrating on our day I’ll be thinking of her and worrying. I am honestly getting stressed out more and more and she’s not the type of parent that you can sit down and talk to. All you get is ‘how do you think I feel’.
She is 72, has arthritis, diabetes and mild Parkinson disease.
20 Answers
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Yes! Many elderly women are jealous of younger women, especially their daughters. They’re miserable, so they want their daughters to be miserable too. They are not jealous of younger men.
OP, you wrote:
“My husband says it is so that instead of concentrating on our day I’ll be thinking of her and worrying.”
I agree. Abusers want to spend the whole day in your head. The whole day, week, years! Their words will run circles in your head. And this way you’re unhappy. That’s what she wants.
Every human being knows:
You want to make someone feel good? Say nice things to them.
You want someone to feel bad? Be unpleasant to them. Nasty, mean, pout, silent treatment, etc.
If one looks at one’s whole life (many aspects of one’s life), one will see that one’s abusive mom is affecting many areas of one’s life.
This is a dependant mindset that has no boundaries.
Your Husband is right to be concerned.
Your Mother's dependency on you has obsorbed 3 full days of your week & growing.
As a wise health professional told me "It's no-one's fault, but the disabled person can sort of take over". This is what has happened/is happening to you.
It is serious. Caregivers can lose themself, even lose or damage their other relationships. Marriages can end, children can suffer.
"She is 72, has arthritis, diabetes and mild Parkinson disease".
I would strongly recommend a good therapist trained in family therapy to discuss this with & assist you to think about your current situatuon.
She is running F.O.G. (fear, obligation and guilt) on you. Do some research and learn how to disengage with this behavior.
Maybe she needs to be around people her own age...since you said that you take her shopping, are there any senior centers near her that she can get involved in - even once a week? Maybe it would help to have friends in her age group and meet people. She may not feel she has anything to look forward to the way she's currently living.
In the interim, maybe it would help to tailor what you say to her - such as, rather than to tell her that you're having a "date day" out and shopping with your husband, it may only remind her of what she's missing out on. For example, I've always played down whatever I was doing when speaking with my elderly single aunt - instead of telling her about dates, or relationships or going out with friends, etc...I'd just tell her that I was running errands, working - not making things seem much of anything she may be missing out on.
My mother was the Queen of all this PA crap and wrote the book on how to Give Your Daughter A Chronic Stomachache By Threats To Kill Yourself (she lived to 95), Wild Histrionics and Exaggerated Story Telling (also known as bald faced lying to get her way) and Generalized FOG Techniques Honed Over A Lifetime (fear obligation and guilt=FOG). The Silent Treatment was one of mom's favorite passive-aggressive guilt tactics to use on me.....betcha you're familiar with that little trick too, huh?
Here is another good link to read:
See if you recognize mam in any of the 25 Signs of A Passive Aggressive Covert Narcissist. I recognized my mother in about 18 of them 🙄
Your husband isn't wrong.
Good luck finding some useful tools to deal with her. Oh, and boundaries to lay down with her...you are visiting and calling WAYYYYYY TOO MUCH imo. These women epitomize the phrase, give them an inch and they'll take a MILE.
Please also remember that 72 is pretty young. Women like this live to be 100 by sucking the life out of their daughters. Don't be a lifeless husk at her expense...that is what to take from this post.
as well as this:
"Women like this live to be 100 by sucking the life out of their daughters."
there is the term "emotional vampire"...
..."feeding off you"...
i don't know how literal it is. i've always taken "emotional vampire" metaphorically. but maybe there is literal truth in "sucking the life out of their daughters"...
here OP, is a link that might help too (5 emotional vampires you could encounter):
You do because your Mom has always expected it. That does not mean you have to do it. There are options. Mom should be doing as much as she can for herself.
Now you know, do not tell Mom of your plans. Also, keep that Wed for shopping. Tell her to make sure she has everything she needs because you won't be picking up those things she has forgotten unless ur already going to the store. I may want to start putting in her ear that you will not become her caregiver as her Parkinsons progresses. You have a husband, children and a job that are your priority. She will need to consider other options when it comes to her needing more care. Moving in with u would not be an option.
When she starts up with the wishing she was dead and hating Christmas, she's playing you. That's emotional manipulation. The 'How do you think I feel?' is abusive neediness. I'm very familar with this because it's my mother to the letter since I was a little kid. This is what narcissists do. They weaponize being needy (be it physical or emotional needs) and use it to control the people in their lives. It's usually their spouses and children. Stand for yourself.
The next time you get the 'How do you think I feel?' respond with 'Everything isn't about you' then get on with your day. When she calls you and starts with the wishing herself dead nonsense, tell you you're sorry she feels that way, but that you cannot and will not allow her negativity and misery to ruin the holidays for your family. Then hang up the phone. Don't take her calls. Don't go over there three days a week or even one. Go total Grey Rock. Make sure she has food and what she needs and nothing else. Ignore her for a couple of weeks. This week is Thanksgiving. Invite her to your celebration if you're doing one, but warn her well. Let her know that if she "starts" (everyone including your mother knows what this means) in the slightest way, be it bringing up political (the guaranteed way to ruin a holiday), or controversial issues, or even with a bit of indirect negativity like wishing herself dead or any other negativity - her holiday is over. Go get her coat and she's leaving. No second chances, no warnings. Then have no contact with with her for a couple of weeks before the Christmas holiday. If she doesn't change her tune, let her spend the holidays alone. This is the only way she'll learn that no one wants to be around a negative, passive aggressive, miserable person.
My son was a huge Harry Potter fan. He compares my mother to the dementors of Azkaban. Who guard the prison. They suck all the joy and hope from people then finally they eat their souls unless they fight back with happy memories and joy. He says this is your mother. He doesn't call her his grandmother because never was one to him. More's the pity because she missed out.
Your mother may have to miss out a bit too. She has to learn that people like her are alone for a reason. Or several reasons. No guilt on your part. You enjoy your holidays. Don't let her ruin them.
It's okay to love your husband and kids more than her. They love you more than she does.
I'm glad I learned this lesson a long time ago. I hope you do to. I hope your holidays are full of joy with family.
I read all three of your posts and see that they are the same and you keep getting the same answers from the forum. This is a very difficult position you are in. You see the problem but you don’t know how to break out of it and at 46 you are far too young to be so tired as you mention in one of your posts. Please keep a log of your sleep and take it to your doctor. Perhaps a sleep study would help you see that you are ruining your health. You may need to change jobs to get control of your life.
Your health is not unlimited. All three or maybe four of your moms ailments can be hereditary. You aren’t exactly keeping yourself healthy so as not to succumb … that is evident by your posts.
You aren’t even a grandmother and you are exhausted. You are almost the age she was when you thought she needed help. How crazy is that?
Think of it like an hourglass⏳. The sand (your strength, stamina, energy) is being depleted at a rapid rate. ⌛️ The normal way an hourglass works is you flip it over and you have another measure to run through. Your sand is running right on out the bottom. You aren’t replenishing yourself. You may be sleeping on your job and feeling like you are getting quality rest. You are not. You are so worn down you don’t have the energy to stop this foolishness with your mom.
Please realize that your mom doesn’t respect you. Perhaps it is because you don’t respect yourself? I apologize. I’m shooting from the hip here. I am just trying to think of how to shake you awake. and you are so tired, it’s hard to do.
You seem a cheerful, good natured person who needs to just stop this foolishness. If your mom needs assistance, help her find it from someone who is in the caregiving business. Your siblings seem more realistic in their approach. Your mom even thinks so.
You have set yourself up to be her everything and you just can’t do that. You will find you aren’t doing a good job anywhere. Not with your paying job, not as a wife or a mother, not as a daughter and especially not with yourself.
Watch your diet, get exercise. Tend to your husband and your three children. If you have time visit your mom once or twice a month. Do let your siblings know you are stepping down for your health and be supportive of one another in letting mom know she needs to hire help or move.
You think she is jealous now, wait until you become a grandparent. She will hate anything that takes your attention from her.
Introduce yourself to your family and find a therapist to help you break this cycle.
You deserve a better life and just think, mom might actually get a life of her own instead of sabotaging yours.
As always, remember there is nothing for mom to do, it is all on you to make the changes necessary.
Whatever is planned with her for tomorrow. Cancel it. Sleep in.
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