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Weakwoman1 Asked December 2022

Need help to get husband off the floor. Who have you used as the contact for your medical alert system?

I purchased a medical alert system for when my husband can't get up off the floor. These companies need you to provide people they can call to go help. My husband and myself have no family in the state we live in (Florida) they are not close at all. My husband's close friends have passed already, so no close friends. I tried a couple of neighbors in the community, but they have their own issues and can't help. I need to find some people to help.

Thank you.

caring4kin Dec 2022
Weakwoman1, I live in Jacksonville (FL) and our local fire department will send over a volunteer (firefighter or paramedic who is not on the clock) at no charge (if they have one available) when my mom falls and I'm not home and my wife can't get her up (my mom is much larger than my wife - weight and height both).

Also, we got two of the EZ-Riser Mobility Tools from Amazon (I don't get any kick-backs or incentives from Amazon and you may be able to purchase it somewhere else). It basically extends your arm so you can get up easier. My mom much prefers to use the EZ-Riser than to have someone come to the house to help her.

Here's a link if you want to check it out:

Midkid58 Dec 2022
DON'T call neighbors in to help. They are probably kind and say "call if you need something' but that 'something is a cup of sugar or a quart of milk if they're doing a grocery store shop. NOT to continually lift an elderly patient off the floor.

I'm not trained in how to do that. If I tried to lift my 6'4" 260 lb hubby off the floor I would hurt myself. We live in a condo community and nobody is in 'top shape' anymore. There's not a single neighbor I would call for help!

Even when my MIL was falling all the time, she'd call my DH and he couldn't lift her. We finally got her to let the Firefighters come in. Sadly, it comes with a lot of broken windows and doors as she refuses to put a key anywhere 'safe'. (She used to have one in the garage, but every time I would visit, she would then move the key so I couldn't get in.) (yep, just me).

She seems to be doing better as per the falling. IDK, as I do not see her anymore. But when she does, she knows that the fire dept will show up.


JoAnn29 Dec 2022
In answer to your reply to don't need contacts. In my experience, which was over 5 yrs ago, the contacts are only used if the person calling does not respond. This is usually with a Fall detect alert. It can also be used if your husband says, please call my wife. So then you would want to be in contacts with ur cell ph#.
Without a contact, 911 will be called for your area. Like I said, I and my daughter were contacts because we lived 5 min away and could check on Mom to see if 911 was needed.

CTTN55 Dec 2022
Lealonnie brought up a good point. Is falling an ongoing issue for your H? How often does he fall?

Weakwoman1 Dec 2022
Hello, As of right now there is no one on the list. So I just don't know where to find anyone. All suggestions are welcome.
Thank you.

NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
My mother had one of those necklaces that detected falls. This has its pros and cons. My mom couldn’t hear well so she couldn’t hear what they were saying. I ended up speaking for her.

The other downside of it was that sometimes she would accidentally press the button. I discontinued the service.

Personally I feel like 911 was the easiest and quickest way to handle it.
JoAnn29 Dec 2022
My Mom did this too. The operator comes on and you just say mistake. Happens with the fall detection ones alot if the button hits something.
lealonnie1 Dec 2022
No family or friends should be expected to help lift an elder off the floor! 911 should be called by the medical alert company. If falling is an ongoing issue for your husband, you should look into Assisted Living for both of you where 24/7 help is available, especially considering the health issues you suffer from as well.
Weakwoman1 Dec 2022
Hello, Yes you are right about lifting an elder off the floor. I have a neighbor who has a wheelchair bound son and she lifts him all the time. She is the one who came over at 3:30 am and got my husband off the floor. I can't rely on her as her main residence is in KY . We live in FL so she goes back and forth and may not be here in FL . All of you have been very helpful. Thank you
freqflyer Dec 2022
Weakwoman1, curious did the medical alert system come with a lockbox for your front door? If not, purchase a lockbox, insert a house key, set a code number. Makes it easier for 911 to get into the home.
NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022

We had a lockbox. It was a big help! I bought it on Amazon. The firemen would let themselves in.

The only time I regretted having it was when I decided to take a very quick bath when my mom was watching tv.

She loved watching her soap opera. Or as she called it, ‘her story.’

Anyway, she was sitting in her remote control recliner and she fiddled with the buttons on the remote.

I kept the bathroom door open whenever I was in the bathroom so I could hear mom.

I was in the tub all of a minute or so when I saw four firemen walking down my hallway! Geeeeez! It terrified me seeing men in my house. She fell when the water was running so I didn’t hear anything.

I jumped out of the tub, threw on a robe and ran to mom. Mom told me that she was trying to adjust her chair, but landed on the floor instead.

No matter how many times I would adjust her chair for her, she couldn’t ever get completely uncomfortable due to her Parkinson’s disease. Even when I asked her not to fiddle around with the remote she did it anyway.
JoAnn29 Dec 2022
You are the first contact if DH hits the button. With my Mom it was me and then my daughter. You do not need to give them a facility to call unless you have a favorite firehouse or ambulance dept. you like. Otherwise, the operator calls 911 in ur area and the closest ambulance dept shows up.

It works like this. Your not home so DH pushes the button. An operator comes on and asks "Mr Doe how can I help you". Your husband says he has fallen and the operator calls 911 in ur area. If when the operator picks up the call and your husband does not respond, the operator will call u first. Then u have the option of going home to see if its a real emergency and then call 911 if it is. If ur DH has no contacts listed, 911 will be called automatically if DH does not respond. This happens usually when the alert has fall detection. The person could have blacked out or hit their head and become unconscious.
Weakwoman1 Dec 2022
Thank you , then I do not have to search for some support people. I added automatic fall detection for an extra charge , thought it was best.
Grandma1954 Dec 2022
If you are in the house and your husband falls call 911 and ask for a "LIFT ASSIST"
in most cases there is no charge for this. Unless your husband sustains an obvious injury and there is transport to the hospital. (Even with an injury you or he can decline transport)
If you are out of the house then you would be the one that they call.
BUT you can not lift him you would then call for the Lift Assist.
Frankly if this "service" requires you to have a list of people to call it seems of limited use.
Weakwoman1 Dec 2022

Thank you for your answer . I am glad I came to AgingCare all your answers have been very informative. Thank you again.
funkygrandma59 Dec 2022
Most counties(check with yours)will allow you to call 911 and either the EMT's or fire dept.(depending where you live)will come get your husband up and put him back where he belongs. There is no charge for this service unless your husband has to be transported to the hospital for any reason.
I live in NC, and my late husband was a fall risk for several years. I had to call 911 a lot and thankfully my husband never had to be taken to the hospital, so we were never charged. And the EMT's were always very nice and kind.
Just don't hurt yourself trying to get him up yourself. Call 911 if that is an option for you.
Weakwoman1 Dec 2022
Thank you for your answer. All of you are very very helpful. I am going to call 911 if I need to.
97yroldmom Dec 2022
Have you called your fire department? Try the area agency on aging for your county and see if they have suggestions.
Weakwoman1 Dec 2022
Hello, Yes the council on aging could maybe help me. Thank you for your answer.


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