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Fairhopemom1 Asked December 2022

What to do about a 57% rent increase at facility?

My mother is in an “Age in Place” assisted living facility in Pensacola, Florida (supposedly a not for profit). I received an adequate timely notification of a rent increase & met with Director of Finance and Administrator about the amount which I fell is criminal. The rent went up 57%!!!! From $4,700 to $7,400!!!! Average increases in most facilities are 3% to 5%. Having worked in this industry for 7 years, I have NEVER seen even a 10% increase for current residents. Can the Ombudsman help? Is this legal? My mother is on hospice with Alzheimer’s. Moving her at this late stage will certainly end in a much quicker death and extreme affects to her current state.


please help me!

NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2022
I’m so sorry for this exorbitant price for rent.

Are the prices charged according to her needs? Can you eliminate any specific services or does she utilize all of the services for what she is being charged?

Frebrowser Dec 2022
Is it all an increase to the base rent or has her care level moved into a higher bracket?

Does hospice provide any care (e.g., bathing, likely covered under Medicare) that the AL is also trying to charge for?



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