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Helpingher12345 Asked January 2023

My aunt. Any advice?

My aunt born in 1940, she has never been married no kids.
She lives with her older sister. My aunt fell 3 times, my brother came over to help get her up. I called EMT to get her to go to hospital. Look like her shoulder is disconnected, whens he fell, her knee is swollen. She refuse EMT to even touch her. Refuse hospital.


She is a hoarders, she can even shower or bath. She can barley get to her toilet., We know something mental is going on with her.


What can be done?

MJ1929 Jan 2023
Call the police for a welfare check and tell them what's going on. Once they see her living situation and her injuries, that'll light a fire under things.

AlvaDeer Jan 2023
She should be transported to hospital by EMT ambulance. You need to tell the ambulance that she is immobilized by injuries and cannot get around. Hopefully she lives alone and this will get her transported.
Upon arrival to the hospital she should be reported to Social Workers as living alone, behaving in unpredictable ways and it should be made clear that she may need placement as there is no one to care for her.
Do not take on any responsibility. Do not move her into your home nor move in with her. Tell the Social Workers that you are unable mentally or physically to deal with her and that you will not take on any next of kin or POA responsibilities.
This will put your aunt in the care of the state and the courts thereof to assess, place and act for her.
I am so sorry, but as long as you attempt to be any of the solutions here there won't BE any solutions for your aunt and she needs professional care at this point.


freqflyer Jan 2023
Helpingher12345, welcome to the forum. What surprises me is that the EMT's hadn't reported the hoarding situation to Adult Protection Services. All states have mandated elder abuse reporting laws.

Geaton777 Jan 2023
Report her to APS, let them know it is an emergency since she recently is injured and refused treatment. If you are not her PoA and she doesn't have a medical diagnosis of cognitive impairment then reporting her is all you can do. She could have a UTI which is causing her to make ex-bad decisions. She would need medical attention for such an infection.

Tell yourr brother to NOT pick her up if she falls again. Have him call 911. This will hopefully get her to the hospital. If so, and she attempts to discharge herself, NO ONE should go get her. The hospital should be shown pictures of her hoarder house so they know she is an "unsafe discharge" and there's no one to take carer of her (not you, not anyone... do not tell them you are "helping" her or they'll try to get you to take her back).


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