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Carelotsss Asked January 2023

Excessive daytime sleepiness. Is it normal?

Dad had stroke and seizures in October, discharged home in December. He spends a lot of time sleeping during the day. Whenever, he sits for 5- 10 minutes in chair, he falls asleep. This happens over and over during the day. Also when he watches TV or wherever he sits for 5-10 minutes. We put him to bed every night at 10 pm and he usually wakes around 6 am. We don’t know the quality of his sleep during the night but he sleeps a lot during the day. Any experience with this? Is this normal post stroke/hospitalization? But it has been 3 months post stroke/seizures.

AlvaDeer Jan 2023
Yes. Normal. Even without stroke, the elderly tend to eat less, sleep more, exercise less, etc. And often after strokes, dependent on part of brain affected, it can be profound how much of an increase in sleeping occurs. Discuss with doctor during next visit; until then not something to worry about.

Estheroda Jan 2023
Yes, this is normal. My mother had a stroke early 2020. She ended up with aphasia and still has it. Here brain continues to recover. We see this on a daily basis via her aphasia. However, she does require naps during the day and her she sleeps about 10 to 11 hours a night. She is 88 so age could add to it. However, I agree with the other post. Take your father outside for walks or do things to help stimulate his brain. The first 6 months are the most crucial after a stroke. According to what I have read that is when the brain heals the most then starts to slow down in the healing/recovery process. But the good news is that he will continue to get better over time.


Silvas22 Jan 2023
This is 100% normal. My mom had a stroke in March 2021 and she slept for so many hours during the day.

Yes there are concerns based on how old your LO is and could result in declining health. However, my Mom was 75 and 2 years later she is still recovering but her sleepiness has slowly start to go away. Yes, there are days where she is just exhausted but that's okay, so we let her sleep. Stroke recovery is not linear and it's a long healing road. Your dad will get there.

When I take my mom for outings or walks, I see higher alertness. Take him out and give him something to look forward to.

Grandma1954 Jan 2023
Healing takes a lot of energy and if he is still healing he may sleep more.
If he is going through rehab still that is exhausting and he will sleep more.
If he is done with healing and no more rehab and has progressed as far as he will he may be declining and he will sleep more. As the body declines it conserves energy for important things like keeping the heart beating, lungs working, kidney functioning.
Have you discussed this with his doctor? If not that is probably one of the first things that you should do.

As my Husband declined he went from sleeping a "normal" 7 or 8 hours prior to his diagnosis to sleeping 12 hours, then the last several months he was sleeping 20 to 23 hours a day.

NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2023
My mother took naps during the day because she didn’t sleep well at night.

I think it’s normal for an elderly person to rest more. They are tired and don’t always feel well.

lealonnie1 Jan 2023
You asked this exact question on December 18th and were given some good feedback:

Check with your dad's PCP if you still have questions.

Good luck to you


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