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MrCiavaglia Asked January 2023

PEG tube transition to solid food. How long and what are the steps to eliminating the PEG tube feeding?

My father-in-law had a PEG tube inserted after emergency brain surgery and being sedated for a few weeks for healing.


He has been in a rehab center and is physically capable of walking and taking care of himself. The last step is to return to oral feeding.


A month ago, he passed his swallow test and the dietitian introduced puréed food and supplemented it with his PEG feeding.


Now after 1 month, they are starting to introduce a larger size to the puréed food, but we have never been told the overall steps to getting him to exclusively oral food intake.


We realize that the time for each stage is not set in stone, but they will not even tell us the steps.


My internet research has told me a few things, but I do not take that as fact.


Does anyone know the steps used to transition to 100% oral feeding and the removal of the PEG tube?


Thank you all very much.

AlvaDeer Jan 2023
The steps are dictated by the MD. There is no "set in stone" and it is likely that the "theys" you are asking have zero idea of when; they are simply following the protocol as given by the MD. So it is the MD you want to speak with, and you will likely get a quite nebulous answer such as "we will slowly advance feedings, see how they are tolerated, get the gut slowly working with increased solidity; the progress will be dictated by the daily progress of the patient. We cannot give you a schedule".
This is good new, though, right. Very exciting. He's on his way. I wish you the very best.

Daughterof1930 Jan 2023
I would rely on a speech therapist to guide on this. A dietician is not the person for this role in my opinion. Ask the speech therapist for help on this



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