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Rapunzel55 Asked January 2023

When and how do I get my MIL to go to a skilled nursing facility?

93, lives at home with her oldest son who is failing as well, and running out of money

Charlesmorris2 Mar 2023
Rapunzel blessing are there two incomes . MIL 93 bless her ,. Don't place her in Nursing home . The next time she is sent to emergency hospital and is in 3 days tell them you need to converse with Social Worker let them know you can't take care of her or son , Social worker and doctor can make it happen from hospital straight to nursing home
Sksi you need to converse with as n Elder Law Attorney, if she owns any property
God Bless

Llamalover47 Feb 2023
Rapunzel55: Contact your locality's COA (Council on Aging) who should be able to assist you via a dedicated elder care worker and also a social worker on staff. Start there.


ansahmatilda59 Feb 2023
To get skilled nursing facilities, provide a high level of medical care that includes nursing, rehabilitation, and other care, including medications. Skilled nursing facilities are not nursing homes or intermediate facilities. 
You may qualify if you: 
are treated in a hospital for at least three consecutive days, not including the day of discharge, and
you enter the skilled nursing facility within 30 days of the hospital discharge.
No day limit as long as the care is medically necessaryTo be medically necessary means it is appropriate, reasonable, and adequate for your condition.
Pre-authorization is not required, except for:
Active duty service members
Medicare-eligible beneficiaries after the first 100 days 
Covered skilled nursing services includes:
A semi-private room
Regular nursing services
Meals (including special diets)
Physical, occupational and speech therapy
Drugs provided by the facility
Medical supplies and appliance

ConnieCaretaker Feb 2023
Call Adult Protective Services to evaluate and apply for Medicaid for BOTH of them.

Contact Elder Law Attorney for facts and strategies for appropriate placement for all of you.

FamilyNeeded Feb 2023
Please look into in home care instead! There are programs to help people not only get the care they need right at home, but also the funding to pay for it and other things they may need.

We have a program here called IRIS that is wonderful. It will give them the funds they need to pay for care givers (including family caregivers) and also provide anything needed to alter the home or special furnishings. They will also help pay for therapies and other activities outside of the home if not covered by their insurance.

Every state has programs like this. It is a far better (and happier) life they would live at home, than in a nursing care facility where they would loose everything they have only to find themselves trapped there with people who neglect and sometimes even abuse them.

lovelyliz Feb 2023
if you cant get her to dr wait until she falls and do not pick her up and let ambulence people take her to the hospital, from there it is easier to place her then from home,

fluffy1966 Feb 2023
As fast as you can, find a LTC that has 'continuum of care' AND that also accepts Medicaid. By this I mean that the client can enter using her own resources, but when her Estate is depleted, the Facility switches her over to a Medicaid approved placement.

You need some help deciding how best to learn about Medicaid. I agree BarbBrooklyn that getting her out of the house might not be possible until she is hospitalized for a fall or for an illness. AT THAT POINT, you must be ready to move her to the Facility that you have already researched, that takes Private Pay but which also takes Medicaid..

lavidaloca31 Feb 2023
This is something I would like to know how to deal with too. My MIL is 91, has been falling more often lately, doesn't appear to be showering or bathing. She has dementia. She is very narcissistic and has the belief, still, that she is perfect and everyone else isn't. I have posted before about our situation and have basically been told we need to wait for something to happen.
againx100 Feb 2023
Does anyone have POA for her? I have it for my mom with dementia and arranged her move to AL without her knowledge then told her it was time to move and off we went. She was MAD! And SAD! But she adjusted and is relatively happy there now.
JoAnn29 Jan 2023
If the son is your husband, then now is the time. You cannot care for both and shouldn't.

babsjvd Jan 2023
I agree with Geaton77 , below.. contact your county office of aged and disabilities..
google care advisors, get someone local who can cut thru the red tape and help you find suitable placement. You don’t pay them , they are paid by the facility. Local is key , they know the ins and outs, availability and costs.. I used a franchise called care patrol. A period of self pay is optimal as choices go down with less self pay.
lavidaloca31 Feb 2023
We have contacted our ofc of the aging for my 91 year old MIL whose dementia is getting worse and they don't do anything.
CTTN55 Jan 2023
Is the oldest son your H? Is the home your home or her home?

From your profile: "I am primary caregiver for my mother in-law."

The "how" answer to your question above is that you stop being her caregiver.
Gamojo Feb 2023
Exactly. And…don’t move her in with you.
Geaton777 Jan 2023
Your profile says she has dementia (and so I also assume memory impairment). You can start researching facilities (before she totally runs out of money) that are local and reputable. The admissions staff will need to assess her to see what level of care she will need. You will also need to make sure they accept Medicaid (not all places do).

Going into a facility on private pay may help avoid waiting lists for entry. In most states, Medicaid only pays for LTC when someone qualifies for financial aid part. You should consider consulting with a Medicaid Planner for her state right away to know what lay ahead in this process.

Better to find places now rather than having to do it in a crisis. Your MIL and her son do not need to know what you're doing.

This past month my 100-yr old Aunt with advanced dementia fell in her home and broke her hip. We opted out of surgery, which would have been the answer to "fix" it. She was in the rehab facility for maybe 2 weeks before UnitedHealthcare decided they wouldn't pay because she couldn't do PT and wasn't improving. Then I had to work hard and fast to find LTC facilities that had openings. Once UHC gave the "cut" order it was almost immediate (although there is an appeal process but they kept denying the coverage).

Do the legwork now to avoid the stress of doing it under duress. If you get all the ducks in a row and find a good place for her, you then tell MIL a therapeutic fib to get her to move to the facility (the house has an "infestation" and needs to be treated; the house has a gas leak, the house requires the heat/ac/water be turned off for repair) and she will need to stay in an "apartment" until she can go back. Whatever it takes to calmly get her there.

BarbBrooklyn Jan 2023
HI, Rapunzel!

Does your husband have Power of Attorney?

Does she have Medicaid?

If she is resistant to the idea of going into care, you may need to wait until she is hospitalized. Once admitted to the hospital, you talk to the discharge planners about how sending her home would be an "unsafe discharge". They can then get her into a rehab unit that is within a NH; from there she can transition to being a permanent resident.
Gamojo Feb 2023
That is exactly what my wife did with her mother. She did have DPOA and MEDICAL POA. We had to use private pay and this will probably last her lifetime but if it appears it won’t then we will have time to get Medicaid ready.


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