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cindover Asked February 2023

Mom is 98-yrs-old. She had a bad infection on her face, now sepsis. We called in hospice. How long does she have? What should I expect?

Blood pressure has been 75 over 47 and has not eaten food since Wednesday. Only drinks water or boost when given pills. Sleeps all the time, can still walk with walker to bathroom. Thanks for any input.

NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2023
I agree with Fawnby. The hospice nurses are very good at determining what is going on.

Don’t hesitate to call them. The aides at my mom’s hospice were wonderful and called nurses when needed. They came to assist my mother quickly afterwards.

I hope hospice is keeping your mom comfortable. That’s the most important thing right now.

Wishing you peace as you continue on in your caregiving journey.

Speak with the hospice social worker and clergy if you desire. I found them to be a comfort.

funkygrandma59 Feb 2023
Hospice should have given you a booklet on what to expect when someone is dying. If they haven't yet, since you just brought them on board yesterday, please ask them for one.
Like Alva said below, I wouldn't let mom walk to the bathroom any more because of her low blood pressure. Instead have hospice bring you a bedside commode to put next to her bed that someone can just help her get on and off of without her having to walk.
You can also have mom brought to the hospice facility when hospice thinks the time is near. Medicare will cover the facility 100% if mom passes within 7 days of being there, otherwise you will have to pay out of pocket for her to stay. If you don't want mom dying at home please ask your hospice nurse about having mom brought to their facility.
And only God knows the day and time that He will call your mom Home, so just enjoy whatever time you may have left with her, and make sure that you leave nothing left unsaid.
Blessings, peace and comfort to you and you mom.


Midkid58 Feb 2023
I'm sorry for this--the waiting and not knowing.

I don't think she can survive much longer, with a BP that low, not eating and being 98!

Take it one day at a time and try to mentally prepare for her passing. I hope it is calm and beautiful.

No one can say for sure. Just keep things peaceful, calm and don't do the histrionics that sometimes seem to pop up when someone is actively dying.

Hugs to you. This is hard, no matter the age of the person you're losing.

AlvaDeer Feb 2023
Blood pressure is low, so great care now with any walking as it could result in a fall. I am so sorry for all you and your Mom are going through.
Your questions are for your Hospice and that is who you should be asking these questions of because they're the ones who will best know your Mom. Things with patient care move individually as one's own thumb print. There is no real answer to your question.
Hospice has changed much in the last few years. They used to treat the whole patient and the famiily on a case by case basis and it is now more a matter of you get one RN once a week for an hour, CNA for bath two to three times a week, and a call from Social worker and clergy who are often inept in helping allong with your dropper bottle of morphine.
I am so sorry to see this, as a retired RN. It has become a money maker invested in by hedge funds, a part of the Military-Industrial follow the money complex. Some are still good and I hope yours is one of those.
If this is full body sepsis now with bodily shut down of the major organs, heart, lungs, kidneys, this won't be long. If antibiotics are helping the condition, however, it may be longer.
The important thing now is pain relief and comfort. I am so sorry for your coming loss. I wish you the very best and your Mom peace on her journey.

Fawnby Feb 2023
Ask the hospice nurses and doctors. They may have a good idea.


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