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JRTIBBITTS Asked February 2023

Are there agencies in McKinney who provide financial assistance to widows? My husband died 21 years ago.

igloo572 Feb 2023
If you’re in McKinney, your best bet for Area (Council of Government) on Aging it will be North Central Texas Area on Aging as they do Collin county for their big service area for planning. NCT Area Council is all countries that surround DFW. It’s Area #4 of the now 28 AoA in Texas. 817-695-9193, 800-272-3921

If you are looking to find a place to live that is mixed rate income housing for Texas, so that you could afford the lower priced unit, imo, finding that outside of bigger cities and their immediate belt cities - like what Round Rock is for Austin or Plano is for Dallas or Boerne is for San Antonio - that will be hard. Smaller cities that are more rural and stand alone won’t tend to do mixed rate housing, as too hard to make $ from them. The rurals, they may have free standing Section 8 complex. But you’re in an odd area as that i35 corridor has huge growth as folks actually live in Allen and work in Dallas and some as far up as McKinney to work in Dallas area. There may be HUD 202 housing in Collin. HUD 202 that is Senior-over 65 congregate living housing is what I’d ask the AoA about and get on all the waiting lists from Sherman down to Allen. Personally I’d avoid Plano and it’s traffic unless you had to see specialist MD there or in Dallas.

202 housing would not be direct financial assistance (that really isn’t done anymore other than the TANF program) but would mean your rent would be sliding scale based on your income. And you’d get evaluated for SNAP, utilities Co-pay, community Medicaid coverage. So you end up having more income as less spent on rent. TANF is temporary assistance for needy families and tends to be a 1-2 mo infusion of $ based on size of family when an incident has happened, like a natural disaster or a fire or you had to go to a shelter. I think if you’re getting Social Security retirement income you don’t qualify for TANF.

AlvaDeer Feb 2023
Go to your online search engine and type in "Council on Aging" for your local area. Call the number and ask for guidance. Check in any local senior centers. Look that up by Senior Center. Many, even if affiliated with church groups you are not a member of, offer lunches, blood pressure checks and so on. Call your own MD and ask how you can reach a Social Worker who can guide you in finding services you may qualify for. Sure do wish you good luck. Know that many churches also can guide you in reaching out whether you are a member of community or not. I hope others have good ideas for you.



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