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Ldavis877 Asked February 2023

Best products for fecal incontinence. Any suggestions?

Moxies Mar 2023
For clean up, check out the pet aisle. Products such as Nature's Miracle, the one I use, get rid of smell and stains well on most surfaces. You can get a large container with a smaller spray one. The spraying is very helpful with toilet paper or paper towels.

Llamalover47 Feb 2023
Ldavis877: There are many products out on the marketplace. Perhaps one of the easier ones to deal with for the caregiver AND the patient is one with tabs on the sides of the adult brief.


CrazyMamaBear Feb 2023
Depends but with tabs on the sides since you can just open the sides and clean him/her up easier. Target/Walmart/Amazon has them. Use a wet towel to clean blow outs. Hand wash the Poo out b efore putting it in the hamper though.

buster638 Feb 2023
I checked to see if this has been suggested. A hospice nurse and my mother inlaw's bath helper both suggested using a can of cheap shaving cream to clean up. Works amazing on blowouts. Bless all you care givers ou there.
LJBrodnax Mar 2023
Can you explain that further please?
Emmy320 Feb 2023
My husband used to have diarrhea. Since he takes Daily Fiber (powder) he no longer has diarrhea.
Clean up is much easier.

Sample Feb 2023
i think it really depends on their mobility and their ability to use the toilet. A big difference between the two situations.

CJLC1234 Feb 2023
There is a company called " Because" that has all sorts of undergarments in different absorbancies. My mom was both fecal and urine incontinent. I got the most absorbent and also pad inserts to put on at night time. They ship the products to you and also auto ship so you never run out. Like someone previously said, no undergarment is going to hold in all fecal matter, esp if diarrhea is the case but their products do a great job. Hope this helps

Silverspring Feb 2023
If you don't want to use chux to protect the bedding, you can try the washable pads. They are pretty inexpensive and can go in the laundry.

elisny Feb 2023
1. In the nursing home where my mother lived they used the term "briefs."
2. While the nursing home used Tena Stretch briefs, for overnight I bought my mother Wellness 8 hour briefs so they would let her sleep undisturbed for 6 hours.
3. Check out the supplier Carewell. They have a variety of products and they will probably have suggestions. I've had great customer service from them in the past.
4. Somebody mentioned an insert; that sounds like a good idea.

MBJB77 Feb 2023
My mom has severe dementia and has lost control of defecating. She wears incontinence underwear, which gets to be very expensive. I used to buy Depends but they are very expensive. Ive found Sams brand to be just as good. We use the Target brand A and D ointment which is half the cost, we use it at each change. I found that she has a sensitivity to products containing ZINC, causing inflammation and pain. It is an unusual but reported side effect. We use grocery bags to carry out garbage after each change to limit the smell. I ask that everyone use the term "pants" instead of "diaper"....there seems to be little that she understands now but i know that if she hears "diaper" she'd be humiliated.
christinex2ri Feb 2023
We use the term pullups (sometimes big girl pullups)- the grandchildren in toilet training love knowing that their grandma is like them
GAinPA Feb 2023
I used topper pads for additional absorbency inside of my mother’s pull ups. They have a special one specifically for fecal incontinence, it’s wider in the back. I got a small rechargeable fan for her tiny bathroom to make changing less stressful for myself and the staff. I like the product Poopourie with the original scent lemon herb, not flowery and overpowering. Also, extra flavored waters and individual wrapped prunes helped with her constipation/diarrhea cycle.

Grandma1954 Feb 2023
An incontinence product aka "diaper" will work.
They come an a variety of absorbency levels.
Just know that no matter how good the product is nothing..NOTHING will hold in/absorb bouts of explosive diarrhea or keep "everything" contained for extended periods of time.
Checking and changing a brief every 2 hours does several things. Obviously if it needs to be changed you do that. But getting someone up to check changes their position so it lessens the chance for pressure sores.
Once it is wet it will not be able to absorb as much so changing when it is necessary it important.

MACinCT Feb 2023
Your question is quite common...almost weekly. If you go to the icon next to your profile picture and type in your query, you will get many of the same responses here.

Kcats12 Feb 2023
We always got the adult diapers from the local medical supply store down the road, my grandma also ordered from a company that Medicare contracted but sometimes complained about their quality. She also bought regular depends brand and used plain orange A&D ointment

Invisible0ne Feb 2023
If you don’t have them already, Costco & Amazon memberships will definitely save you money. I use Amazon mostly for things like anti fungal creams, barrier creams, zinc oxide & baby powder. I like the “Honest Company” & “ Hello Bellow” products.
Costco is great for gloves, baby wipes, & I get the “puppy pads” there instead of more expensive bed protectors. Costco’s prices on shop towels & bar mops are also good. Walgreens does carry decent diapers & delivers with a $45 order.
Something most overlook is room sprays or air fresheners. Trust me, you’ll want help to cover those odors.

JoAnn29 Feb 2023
If your asking about diapers, I liked Walgreens Serenity. They either have a coupon in their monthly booklet or buy one get the other for 50% off.


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