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junebugg Asked March 2023

Surgical boot for my left foot?

Surgery is in a few weeks.

JoAnn29 Mar 2023
I agree with all replies below. Your Medicare or Insurance company will be billed for the boot.

KCbarguy72 Mar 2023
I've had multiple foot and ankle surgeries. The ortho doc places the boot and does all the adjustments in office that it is needed. They provide the boot and you do not take the boot off and on. The ortho doc does all the adjustments. You don't go out and buy and fit yourself.


funkygrandma59 Mar 2023
I've had a couple surgeries on my right foot and both times a surgical boot was provided without me having to ask for one, as it was a necessity for my healing.
Don't worry. they won't let you leave without everything you need.

Geaton777 Mar 2023
I agree that if it is medically necessary, one will be prescribed for you.

BarbBrooklyn Mar 2023
Are you asking how to acquire a surgical boot? Isn’t your doc going to write you a script for one?


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