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Jobaby2 Asked March 2023

Mother-in-law has a jitterbug phone. The volume is located on the right side of the phone. As she holds the phone, she turns the volume down. Any suggestions?

She turns the volume down while holding the phone. Then she doesn’t hear the phone ring. Advice on this, please!

Geaton777 Mar 2023
My 93-yr old Mom can still use her flip phone but it has the same problem with her inadvertently squeezing the volume off. The Verizon rep told us "off the record" to take the housing off and then super glue the volume button to where we want it. The downside is that doing this voids any warranty or work contract.

freqflyer Mar 2023
Jobaby2, I had a Jitterbug phone at one time. It was very difficult to pick up and hold at my ear because it was soooo thin. Plus everytime I picked it up, my palm would hit the Alert button and I had scramble to cancel the Alert.

Other things I didn't like about that phone was I could only increase the size of the font just so much, which wasn't enough to let me read any text. Had to use a magnifying glass. It wasn't easy to type a text, even if using a stylus, and that mag glass.

I bought a different brand of phone, Android at the Verizon store. Oh my gosh, so much easier to use once it is set up. The phone volume control is part of the software instead of being on the side of the phone. I just have a cellphone so the grandkids can text me, and I have the font size at a size I can read :) The phone is thicker, thus easier to pick up especially if one buys a case to put around it.

Otherwise, I prefer to use the house landline which is so much clearer for hearing, easier to dial, and if I dial 911 my address automatically shows up on the emergency dispatch screen.


cwillie Mar 2023
I wonder if you could glue the volume button on maximum with hot glue or super glue so she can't press it 🤔


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