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ShadowRnr Asked March 2023

How do I move a loved one out of current skilled care?

In the three days of being in a new skilled care facility, it's become clear this is not the place for my husband. How/where do I begin the search for a place that will provide the care he needs?

Countrymouse Mar 2023
a) how did he come to be in this one and b) what's wrong with it? I assume it wasn't your choice?

AlvaDeer Mar 2023
You simply google senior living or senior care in your area and start visiting facilities. They will want to know about assets. There is nothing to dictate when you can/must do this; that is pretty much an individual decision formed of what you are seeing, experiencing. Sure do wish you good luck.


JulieMerchant Mar 2023
Are you looking to allow him to age at home or are you looking for a skilled nursing facility?

BarbBrooklyn Mar 2023
Welcome, Shadow!

Was your husband assessed by his doctor or an independent agency as being in need of skilled nursing?

Whay about his current care are you unhappy about?

Who have you been in contact with about the issues you see?


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