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gholstpr Asked April 2023

Microdiscectomy. Any advice?

Hi—can anyone tell me about their Microdiscectomy? Did anyone have a first one and second one? Also has anyone had to have a fusion after on lower back as well as neck? Anything and everything anyone can tell me would be appreciated. I would love to hear about the whole process and healing as well as any obstacles and suggestions.

Igloocar Apr 2023
Before you decide, ask the doctor how much experience she/he has had with the procedure and specifically what the results were.

Llamalover47 Apr 2023
gholstpr: My DH (Dear Husband) had a microdiscectomy performed by his spine surgeon six years ago and states "It was the best thing that he ever did." The reason for his surgery was a herniated disc with severe pain, of course. Side note - he is a tall man of 6 foot 5 inches.


Rnrgrl Apr 2023
I had one in 2011. Suddenly the bone was hitting a nerve and causing “foot drop”. I was getting ready to run a half marathon and it suddenly happened. Intense pain and it dropped me to my knees. They did the surgery within a couple of weeks and the pain went away immediately. Instantly felt great. Do not bend, lift or twist and listen to the doctor. They told me I could walk as far as I wanted. The next day I walked 5 miles (I was in great shape when this occurred). I was ramping up my running again in about 7 weeks. The key is listen to exactly what the doctor tells you for post care.

MJ1929 Apr 2023
I had one in 2007, and it changed my life. I'd had a herniated L5/S1 disc for 14 years, and it finally ruptured.

I had no complications, and the only thing I'd say is to follow the doctor's orders to a T. When they say no bending, twisting, or sitting, listen. They said recovery would be 6-8 weeks, so I followed the orders for the full eight weeks. Don't empty the dishwasher, don't sit upright -- nothing. The only thing I absolutely had to do was drive, because I still had three young kids who had to be transported to and from places.

The only issue I had post-surgery was a lot of muscle spasms which I think were caused by me being in weird positions and kind of tense that I'd mess things up. I had some muscle relaxers prescribed, and eventually it went away. I also had some numbness in one leg, but that, too, resolved itself within a few months.

I kick myself for not having gone to a doctor sooner, because the surgery was a lifesaver. I had no fusion, as there was still some disc left.

Geaton777 Apr 2023
It's a surgical procedure to repair herniated discs.
AlvaDeer Apr 2023
I am thinking our OP knows of the procedure but is hoping someone here might have actually HAD it and can give first hand experience. And our MJ has!
AlvaDeer Apr 2023
I hope some members here have had the procedure you speak of and can give you first hand experience. I know that you likely already know that the internet will be full of information about the procedure. I sure do understand wanting to speak with someone who had it.

I hope you get some answers and will be following to see what I can learn about this procedure. Wish you great good luck and hope you'll update us all, because you will be expert in this once having gone through it. Good luck!


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