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pondrocks Asked April 2023

What other details are required?

JoAnn29 Apr 2023
This is OPs first post

Pondrocks, it would be better to answer any questions asked on your first thread. Making multiple threads makes it hard to keep up with you.

Grandma1954 Apr 2023
Has your husband been diagnosed with any form of dementia?
"Clinging" or "shadowing" is common with dementia. You are a safe person for him. He can trust you to be there for him when heed needs help.
This can be exhausting.
Caregivers that can come in and help you out will help. He can begin to trust the caregivers so he would look to them when you are not around. This will not happen right away it might take a bit of time for him to trust someone.
Even if he does not have dementia getting a caregiver in to help you out will make your life a bit easier.
If there is an Adult Day program in your area that might be a good idea as well.
He would get involved in activities and most programs will pick up in the morning, bring people to the program where they will get lunch and 1 or 2 snacks, some may even have a breakfast.
Check with your local Senior Center or Area Agency on Aging and see if there is a program near you.
If your husband is a Veteran there may be programs he would be eligible for through the VA. Contact your local Veterans Assistance Commission and they can let you know if he is entitled to any benefits.

If you would provide more information as to what you need that would be helpful. Not sure what you mean by "what other details are required"


BarbBrooklyn Apr 2023
From Ponrocks' profile:

"I am nearly 80 and my husband's health and clinging behaviour is really distressing. Just want to run away".


Have you looked into getting a home health aide to be with your husband a couple of tines axweek so you can get away for a bit?


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