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Halfsister Asked April 2023

How to make sister accountable for what she's done to my mom?

my half sister has been taking money from my mom's bank,since my mom's death my sister has gotten worst. Now she's refusing to give my brother and I any of her things. She's selling my moms furnishings, antiques, everything. Their are 3 children. She is getting rid of everything. She's keeping any money from these things without our consent. I have some items of proof that she's been stealing out of my moms account. She had her debit card,checks. My mom was saving for when she passed, she wanted us to take her ashes and bury them next to her 2 other children. That didn't happen because half sis stole it all. That was her only wish. This person tried to sabotage our life insurance claims. The forms were sent to us individually all sent to my moms address, she steamed them open and removed the forms, she had gotten them 2 weeks before we knew they were there. She sealed them so we wouldn't know what she had done. I'm not the smartest person but hello! She's. expressed her thoughts on sharing the money from sale of house with my brother, his name is not on the title, he lives in Alabama difficulty in coming out here for putting names on title mom knew this it was equally his tho. I'm afraid she's going to try and take his share, because it will be two checks not three because of the names on tititle. Has anyone ever been thru something like this I could use some input. She is stealing things and lieing and telling people I stole these things. This is by far the most revulting thing she's done since my mom passed, she stole from hospice, mom's oxygen cannisters, a hospital type bed table, a cushion for wheelchair and the morphine. Hospice was godsend ,blessed and she was stealing them, I told her she could not do that, she said so what.I have called them. My moms boyfriend she stole the blood pressure machine he brought over for mom and she told him I stole it. She has to be stopped we have already got in a physical altercation. She's hostile so I stay away and dealing with it all. What to do, any ideas,thoughts please

funkygrandma59 Apr 2023
The only thing I will comment on is that there is no way that your half-sister could have stolen your moms remaining morphine after your mom died, as that is the second thing that hospice does once notified that a patient of theirs has died. The first is to pronounce the person legally dead and the second is to dispose of in front of a family member any remaining narcotics, so such a thing can't happen.
This is done before the dead body is even removed from the home.
When my late husband died, hospice was very methodical in the way his remaining fentanyl was disposed of and I had to stand there as a witness to make sure it was being disposed of properly. And yes the fentanyl was long disposed of before the funeral home came to get his body.

JoAnn29 Apr 2023
Someone needs to tell the Bank Mom is dead. Take her death certificate with you. They will then freeze the accounts. If there isca Will? Is Sis the Executor. If so you go to Probate and tell them what she is doing. They have the authority to remove her and assign someone else. If no Will, then an Administrator needs to be assigned. With that comes a short certificate that enables that person to get to Moms accounts. Does sis live in Moms house? If not, the Administrtor can change the locks protecting the contents of the house.

Your sister cannot sell the house if their are more than one person on the deed. They all have to agree. I think you need a lawyer to write her a cease and desist order. IMO any thingvshe has sold of your Moms should come out of any moneys she would have been entitled to.


AlvaDeer Apr 2023
Is there a will?
Who is the executor of the will?

If there is no will who has seen an attorney to apply to do probate on mom's estate? To be appointed administrator of her estate?
Accounts are closed when a senior dies unless someone else is already on the account as co-owner. See the bank and make certain they are aware of your Mom's death.

Your questions need to be taken to an attorney. We are helpless in knowing what is going on here, and certain unable to help you in doing anything about it. You need expert advice. Wish you the best.

Beatty Apr 2023
I am sorry for the loss of your Mother.

When someone dies, the Next of Kin or Executor usually noifies their bank. Where I live the bank will 'freeze' the accounts until they are leagally released by the will to the Executor/Administrator.

Is there a legal will? Have you sought legal advice?

There are a lot of accusations here & many will be hard to prove. I think.. she said.. she did.. etc. To prove theft you will need evidence.

What outcome are you wanting? Maybe a mediation service could help you?


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