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Circlepi2 Asked April 2023

Looking for ideas/advise?

Based on the advice from everyone around me, I decided to move mom to assisted living. To keep a long story short, she has a very limited amount of short-term memory, does not like seeing doctors or getting lab work done, and she doesn’t know she will be moved to assisted living (I have POA).


Before she can move in, she needs a TB test. I found this out shortly after getting other lab work done (This was done with a great deal of effort). So how do I get her TB Test?


I have one idea that might work, I have the doctor’s office call, and they need to rerun one of the recent blood tested again due to equipment issues. Then I can “highly” recommend she be retested (TB test) and I take her to the lab.

MJ1929 Apr 2023
Just tell her Medicare requires don't know why...government rules, am I right?...blah, blah, blah....

Circlepi2 Apr 2023
You are wonderful group of people, full of understanding and compassion. I decide to have the nurse come to the house to draw the blood. I will make up a story on the why.

In truth, this has been the hardest decision I had to make about moving my mom into AL/MC. I'm going against her wishes, she wants to die in her house. I have given her an extra three years in her house. With her short term memory gone, losing some of her long term memory, the doctor saying she has advance dementia, the police threating me with elderly abuse (she needed more care), the social worker recommending AL/MC, and others. I'm moving forward. I know this is against her wishes, but I'm not responsible for her happiness but her well being.

Once again Thank.
geddyupgo Apr 2023
Hang tough. It is a hard decision but think of it in this way.... she may want to live in her house but she wants to be taken care of and that is what you are doing. She may never admit it to you but I'm sure she is grateful and proud of you.
Well done!


againx100 Apr 2023
Circle - what a nuisance! Every place (or state) might have different requirements. Such a pity they didn't tell you in time for you to do the one visit. Well, that's water under the bridge so I agree with advice to try to get home care to come administer the test or make up a story that you use to get her to go. If you have to take her out, couple it with an outing that she would like. Take her out to lunch and before or after take her to get the test done.

My mom adjusted pretty quickly to AL though it's kind of a roller coaster. I took her to some activities on site when she first move in to get her going. She does pretty well with getting herself to bingo and such and the ladies she has meals with are very nice.

Good luck!

MicheleDL Apr 2023
My husband recently had a TB blood test in order to be admitted to a dementia daycare center. The skin test was rejected for him because there was no way that he could be prevented from scratching at the injection site and so in validate the results.
polarbear Apr 2023
MicheleDL, so was your husband able to join the daycare w/o the TB test?
Way2tired Apr 2023
Are they requesting a one step or two step TB test ? I’ve work at facilities that required two step. Meaning the test is done twice about 2 weeks apart . And each test has to be read 48-72 hours after administered . If the first test is positive they don’t do a second skin test , they do a chest X-ray .

MACinCT Apr 2023
The TB test is injected under the skin. It takes 48 to 72 hours to see if there is a skin reaction which means you go back to have a nurse read and record the results. So it is two outings. It is not a blood test and never was...yes you may have to do a fib. Maybe the fib can be that you were both exposed to some disease and you both have to go back for the test. Stay out of the room and ask for a small bandaid like hers but just put it on your arm when you take her

AlvaDeer Apr 2023
Stacy has a wonderful suggestion I think.

I am just a bit worried about an ALF that would accept a client who doesn't know they are coming? It seems to me that might be more a MC situation.

I hope that you will keep us updated how it all goes for her, and I wish you the very best of luck.
Circlepi2 Apr 2023
The ALF knows, mom doesn't.
Grandma1954 Apr 2023
There is also a blood test that can be done in place of the TB Skin test. If she is having other tests done adding the blood test might be easier.
If the only test she needs is the skin test I think they can be done at many of the "walk in clinics" at many pharmacy's so it would not be like she is going to a lab in a doctors office. (although these clinics can do a variety of tests as well)
If the lab still has blood they may be able to run the test without her having more blood drawn.
Circlepi2 Apr 2023
I checked with the doctor's office about using the blood they already drawn: The TB test needs its own special vial, and they only hold the blood for 72 hours. Thanks for the idea.


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