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LSRSsa Asked April 2023

How do I find a fiduciary?

I would like to find a professional fiduciary in my area to list as a durable power of attorney for myself and my husband. We have no support system in place other than ourselves. I want to make sure there is a trustworthy professional capable of managing health care and financial decisions for us. I am not exactly sure what a professional fiduciary is or where to find one. I've only just started reading on this topic.

MACinCT Apr 2023
Look up daily financial planners at This is for bill paying and not investing. Members must take an exam every 2 years. They are similar to what Alvadeer describes

AlvaDeer Apr 2023
Look them up under Certified Licensed Fiduciary on google. Be careful. Check them out; you don't want a financial manager who wants to manage your money and is paid for vehicles he sells you. That's an investment counselor.

When my brother hired one for his ex about 5 years ago the going rate was 90.00 an hour. Once everything was all arranged it was about an hour a month spent doing all management of him, placement, his bills, management of his funds, and etc. This gentleman was managed for over 5 years and his fiduciary did a stellar job for him.

I don't know what they are paid today. I will give you the only info I have about them, which sadly pertains to California. You can certainly call and ask for recommends in your state. Elder Law Attorneys often have a list of them because they work with them in the court system when elders have no family and the state takes guardianship of an elder; they manage the care.

Google may help but
PFAC (professional fiduciary assn of California)
may give you some guidance. 866 886 7322

Good luck.
velbowpat Apr 2023
Thank you for this very useful piece of information Alva Deer.
I am adding it to my arsenal.




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