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graciexyz Asked May 2023

Daughter caregiver, a which hunt from protective service from parents that act five and dial 911 and report falsely being abused. What to do?

you name it there reporting it , there is now a court order and G.A.L investgation all alligations are false . Abuse ,. NO Dr have reported abuse. Finacial bank closed moms accounts for her writing bad checks she cant remember she wrote . they say im not taking them places they wanna go . I have records of every where i take them and every penny i spend . Exhausted here with 24 /7 care and no help and parents have low memory .

CTTN55 May 2023
Do you or do you not have legal representation for when you go to court next week? Sounds like since the attorney never called you back, that you don't have legal representation.

Igloocar May 2023
Gracie, we are not the ones you need to convince!! You do need an attorney. It's not unusual for someone to not call back; call again and explain that there was no callback--don't criticize or go into detail. What you need is to talk with an attorney ASAP. If this person is NOT an eldercare or family law attorney, you may want to try one who is. Getting an attorney on board immediately needs to be your first priority.

Second--the attorney will probably ask something similar. Make a written list of the complaints being filed against you. For each complaint, list specific actions you've taken that show that the complaint is not valid. Be sure you keep all the information organized, and don't add extra info not related to the specific complaints. It is sometimes difficult to follow all you've written, probably because you are so upset your thoughts just keep running one after another. To win on this, you need to try to stay calm and collected even though you may be justifiably feeling terrific tension!

It probably won't help us to help you, but could you explain to us what G.A.L. is? I thought it might be some caregiving-related legal entity in Georgia, but that's not where you live, I believe from your profile. Thank you!
Isthisrealyreal May 2023
GAL = guardian ad litem


BarbBrooklyn May 2023
Gracie, I hope youu have retained a lawyer.
graciexyz May 2023
I I have called an attorney he said he was going to call me back we go to court next week just all the allegations are false I have proof of everything it wasn't me who spent his money it was the sibling $179,000 months ago she was in charge of everything he went to a rehab for 3 months and then into an assisted living for 4 months and then came home with Bayada nursing and visiting Angels and then I live in and then I ended up bringing him a TV and stuck here because they they had fired the living the day I got here and I've been here by myself ever since and I've taken very good care of them they eat beautiful meals they are taking to the doctors nobody says I'm abusing them but things that have come out of their mouths by mistake longed the wrong way the other sibling is innocent and I'm guilty but I have all the proof I've done nothing wrong with the attorney has not called me back and we go to court the GL already came in and had my father signed all the paperwork they're not saying my mother's abused they're saying just my father
sp19690 May 2023
Give control to the state over them so they can get placed in a facility. Walk away from all caregiving before your parents destroy you.
graciexyz May 2023
I thought I thought of that many times but every time I go to walk out the door you feel I'm abandon them.
JoAnn29 May 2023
Yes, they may find nothing when they investigate. IMO though, I think its time to place them into LTC. Caring for one LO with Dementia is hard two even harder. APS will probably find that these are false allegations. If they feel they are true, then Mom and Dad have just hurt themselves because APS may place them in care with a State guardian.

It may work out that APS sees there is a problem here and finds you resources or helps you place them if that is what u want. And if they ate phones go with them.
graciexyz May 2023
Adult adult protective services are already involved they're the ones petitioning the court I have a step sibling which is my mother's daughter who is causing all the problems she put power of Attorney over my stepmother's bank account and will my father found out that happened they began fighting stepdaughter took mother to New York and they told her they took her there cuz she's being emotionally abused and thinks I'm the one forcing my parents to fight and it's got nothing to do with me I got stuck caring for my parents by delivering them a TV my father had to live in at that time and the living got fired the day I got here by the sibling and I have been remained here for 8 months with no help from anyone
Grandmaofeight May 2023
You have no choice but to let the investigation go through. They will likely find no issues and close the case.
based on the little
information you gave it sounds like there is some cognitive decline. I would request that the primary doctor order cognitive testing and go from there. I would make sure the investigative authorities get copies of the results. If there is decline they will be less intrusive but they have to do their job even if it is upsetting to you.
graciexyz May 2023
II hope there's just so much going on here I was not involved with their care I lived in another state and I came here to deliver my parents TV and they're living aid at that time was fired by step sibling and ever since then I've been accused of all kinds of things but I've been stuck here taking care of my parents there was no money left after sibling spent down $179,000 on their care I've been here for 8 months trying to get them to save money and live their life wishes in their home together and that's that's it in a nutshell mother is low memory and her daughter is evil and I have no reason no rhyme why they're causing trouble when I'm in here in the trenches taking care of them the steps sibling k calls for well with the police department. My dad was questioned by a police officer and him also being low memory and can't remember what he had for breakfast made a statement to the police officer that his daughter was stealing his money which was the step sibling we spent down the $179,000 since then they've sent in a GAL and they all have this story wrong and I'm the one under investigation we go to court in 2 weeks
MACinCT May 2023
Please do not write more than 1 question on this forum. You already wrote a duplicate. The same people will be reading so nothing new here.
graciexyz May 2023
I'm I'm just new here my apology I am overwhelmed overworked The adult protective services doesn't seem to want to help they want to hinder and I don't understand this whole thing that's going on I just know that I was on my way out the door I was owed money my mother made out the check my father told them to make out the check the step sibling stop the check at the bank and I was told I was for I forced my mother to raise the check and I never did that they have four they're accusing me of financially physically and harming my parents and I've done none of the above I've taken them to many doctors appointments I've taken them out to eat I food shop I take them to church I do everything 24/7 with no help and they both have disabilities my father had hip replacement and phone on boney can't walk they both have low memory and care of what they had for breakfast but I love them and I care for them but I'm in trouble and I don't know what to do I'm 61 and I worked for bayada nursing for many years when I was younger. My parents have made remarks which they don't understand or damaging and hence we are now on our way to court with them investigating that my dad is being abused but not my mom go figure


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