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Wendsong Asked May 2023

Is there an organization that you know of which is trying to get laws passed to aid persons with dementia to die?

I have just been reading questions from caregivers regarding incontinence as well as other horrible conditions their loved ones are suffering, and no quality of life, I am looking Alzheimer's straight in the face (it runs in my family) in the next few years and just cannot stand imagining the horror of the disease as it will progress. Also, I have no relatives to see to my care, so I will be at the mercy of strangers.


It seems to me, I should be able to request euthanasia now, while I am in sound mind, for a time when certain criteria are met, even though I may not be of sound mind or actually dying then.

MACinCT May 2023
The states and including the Netherlands have prerequisits with the main one being fully cognitive. There must also be a devastating illness. The person needs to take the prescription on their own.
Now you might be aware that dementia can still be a happy disease until much later.
Have you talked with an elder attorney on how to appoint professionals to act on your behalf? You might want to set up a legal document concerning your wishes and give it to your spokesperson. Even if you are low on funding for your care, a probate judge will consider your wishes while you are well.

TeethGrinder65 May 2023
Vermont and Oregon allow nonresidents to die there (assisted suicide). I think more states will go that way, but Final Exit is a good resource, too.
AlvaDeer May 2023
All laws in the USA (and many states have them) have a requirement of death expected in 6 months from a non curable illness. Such is not the case in Europe where, through Dignitas, you can choose to die simply because you are either old, and wish to, or have a dementia. Nowhere in the US can you avail yourself of such a service.


vegaslady May 2023
WA state has a Death with Dignity law. Quite a while back in the Discussion section I wrote about a group that deals with this issue.

Daughterof1930 May 2023
I used to feel very differently about this than I do now. Seeing what some I’ve known have experienced has changed my thoughts for sure. My state has no provisions for this. First thing I’d do is see an attorney to make sure all final documents and wishes are in place. Then research which states have death with dignity laws. I wish you peace in the face of this and think you so wise not to ignore the issue

Fawnby May 2023
Dignitas in Switzerland.
Some states in the US now have a process.
AlvaDeer May 2023
There is another also, Pegasos, or Pegasas. I forget. Supposedly cheaper. You are looking at 10,000 and actually more like 20,000 with airfares, and the week you have to stay for some sort of residency or wait period. Amy Bloom has a good rundown in her book about her husband's availing himself of this service when he was dx'd with dementia. The memoir is titled In Love.
AlvaDeer May 2023
I would contact

As I am certain you are aware, such a service does not exist in this country. It does exist in other countries, but qualification as an out of country citizen is quite tough, lots of time, examination and documentation.

Many organizations are working on right to die laws in our country. You can use any search engine to access them. Google "Death With Dignity".

Good luck on your research. Many feel as you do, and you are not alone.
ElizabethAR37 May 2023
No, the OP is definitely NOT alone! I am familiar with the "exit" organizations, but unfortunately there is no easy answer, at least that I have been able to find. They do provide useful information, for some. They describe in detail several "DIY" options which, due to a near-total lack of chemistry or engineering knowhow, would not be workable for me.

Dignitas and Pegasos are both possibilities; however, as was pointed out in an earlier post, the process is neither quick nor easy. It is quite involved and pricey with both organizations, perhaps a bit less so with Pegasos. That said, I am not entirely dissuaded. If I can arrange the logistics and am still able to travel close to time of need, forking over my last $$ to Pegasos would make better sense (to me) than spending down my moderate assets to qualify for Medicaid and subpar "care" for who knows how long.

Predating the "Great Opioid Crisis", it was sometimes possible to obtain the essential pharmaceuticals from outside the U.S. Unfortunately, to my knowledge that avenue is essentially closed now unless you know someone in the criminal underground. (Actually, in my area one could probably score in the parking lot of the local high school except that an 86 Y/O would look SERIOUSLY out of place. Ha!)

Back to reality: I live in a state that has a MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) law, as do some other states now. The catch is that there are tough restrictions intended to "protect", which makes the law virtually useless to quite a few who might otherwise access it. Unless one has a somewhat predictable terminal illness, who knows if natural death can be expected within 6 months? Two physicians must attest to that. The patient also must be "of sound mind" which likely would disqualify someone with dementia, even if there is a healthcare directive executed before the condition developed.

Sorry this is so long, but it's a subject of considerable interest to me and probably to others. If anyone has more/better knowledge, I hope it can be shared.


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