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FedupinCO Asked May 2023

My 97-year-old MIL was just diagnosed with too much fluid on her brain. This affects her balance. How can I get Dr. to admit her somewhere?

She refuses any help. No walker no cane. She also has blood clots, refuses all medication. She is up walking, barely.

She refuses to go to any facility

Dr. ordered a necklace to push when we are not here. I know she won't wear it! How can I get Dr. to admit her somewhere? She is somewhat of a sound mind at timed. Short term memory loss. Advice?

BarbBrooklyn May 2023
FedUp, who accompanied her to the doctor/hospital visit where this was diagnosed?

Did they say she has Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus?

What treatment plan did the doctor propose?

Midkid58 May 2023
Please do reach out to her Dr. At 97, most people have multiple issues.

I would think that if it were a possibility, she can have a spinal tap and have as much excess fluid drained off on an outpatient basis.

My son had a cyst in his brain and for some reason, it caused him to create more fluid---every so often (until he has surgery to remove the cyst)--we'd go to the Neuro doc and he'd place a needle in son's spine and attach a, well, a 'pipe' and when opened the excess pressure caused the fluid to shoot out the 'pipe'. Relief was immediate and lasted maybe a week...It was a bit startling to this mama to watch cerebrospinal fluid to 'geyser' until it was at an apprpriate level. Once it shot up high enough to hit the ceiling. Looking back, it was kind of gross, but at the time, getting my boy (ok, he was 21) to instantly feel better was great.

The way they will treat a 97 yo will likely be different than a healthy, 21 yo.

Unlikely, with clots already, that they would place a stent (son has one now, had had since he was 22).

My son had incredible headaches with this, until he had the cyst removed and later, the shunt installed. Literally, only a Demerol shot in the ED could begin to touch the pain. Is mom in pain? That could be a part of the problem--

The dizziness could also definitely be a by-product of the fluid buildup.

You need to get her to a neuro doc ASAP.

And, BTW, those fall pendants have proven to be very ineffective b/c so many elders simply refuse to wear them. They don't WORK if they won't WEAR them.

Good Luck!!


Fawnby May 2023
Call hospice for an evaluation and consultation.

JoAnn29 May 2023
Does she have a shunt to drain off the fluid? A woman in our Church had this problem and it caused Dementia like symptoms. He DH had to finally place her. He had lunch with her every day and left after dinner.

I do hope u have POA. You know I don't think Moms doctor got involved until I had Mom placed. Then I think he was asked to sign paperwork. IMO, this woman should never be left alone.

Daughterof1930 May 2023
Your profile says your mom is living in your home. Do you also have POA for her healthcare decisions for a time when she can no longer make sound decisions for herself? It seems that time is here. Have you called the doctor and spelled out what you did here, that the situation is not manageable by just you in your home?


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