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Romeo13 Asked June 2023

I have a quick question and someday soon I will update you on what has been happening.

Hi to all of my friends - it's Maximus. My parents in their 90's just told me they invited a couple over for dinner that they never met in person, except they spoke by phone. My mom dialed their number by mistake and my dad dialed the number back and spoke to this stranger who said he's from Brooklyn, where my parents are from. I think they're lonely and looking for people who have something in common. Is this normal to invite strangers over? My mom said we should meet them in a restaurant, not in our home. I told them not to do this and my dad said don't be silly. P.S. Hope you are all well - Maximus

Geaton777 Jun 2023
Your parents may be functional but they are still vulnerable, Do they have all their legal ducks in a row, and their assets in a trust or somehow protected from *financial* predators, or from someone who will perpetrate identity theft etc.? Many times financial abuse of the elderly is a crime of opportunity. Not sure you can prevent your parents from having this play date — and I want to be optimistic about it — but I'm from Jersey and if it were my parents it'd be a hard no.

Hopeforhelp22 Jun 2023
HI Max! I'm not familiar with your backstory, but it's clear to see that those who knew you prior are so happy to hear from you!

Anyway, if this helps, what I can tell you is that even online dating sites will instruct you to "only meet the online date in a PUBLIC PLACE - and NEVER at your home." They even go even further to say that "you should not disclose your address to the person - they should not pick you up or take you home from the date." That is how seriously the online dating services take this. So, why should your parents be any different in a first meeting of a random couple?

This isn't even an issue to question. Your parents need to change the location to a restaurant! I hope they have a safe and enjoyable dinner with this new couple - keep us posted! :)
Romeo13 Jun 2023
Hi Hopeforhelp - my mom actually wants to meet in a restaurant - my dad is proud of his condo and also has many pictures of his travels with my mom and alone. He was in the air force, owned a restaurant and also was an airline pilot (Captain) for an international airline for 35 years, which I don't want to reveal the name of. He never boasted about his life, but being 95 he has been having the need to. Welcome to the forum - like I said- I love everyone on it!


MAYDAY Jun 2023
My friend just lectured me for answering the knock on my front door.. she says,"why would you even open the door? Don't you know that the screen door is not going to hold intruders from entering if you open the door?" I replied that my dog was barking up a storm, and I could not talk... What would she say to this scenario?Yes, I have more than just one friend.. I can count them on my hand.One evening, she had a knock on her door. around 9 pm . Night time. that was odd, so she went out the side of her house to greet another man scaling her fence to get into the backyard! She screamed at him, with f-bombs etc. distraction. They were going to get her to open the front while one was going into the backyard. Just think of what could have happened. She has security cameras now.

Please be careful. I hope you have a fun story to tell about how they may have known each other or have common friends or something..

I pray that this will be a happy story.

bundleofjoy Jun 2023
i hope your parents didn't meet those total strangers. please stop them from doing so. i hope your parents didn't tell them their address. it's very dangerous. the strangers could be anyone, criminals; and if they know the address, they now know 2 vulnerable, elderly people live in X.
Romeo13 Jun 2023
Hi bundle - They haven't formally invited them yet. Maybe they forgot about them. If they ever do, I told them to invite their neighbors too. Thanks!
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 2023
Hey Max,

Good to see you!

Never a dull moment with your parents! Hahaha 🤣 I bet they had a lot of fun when they were younger.

Trust your gut. If you’re uneasy about this situation and I can certainly see why you would be, then you did the right thing by speaking up and telling them that you aren’t in favor of this idea.

Your family has had its share of heartaches. Many of the posters on this forum have had their share of difficult times. I would hate to see your parents be in a dangerous situation. They are social butterflies, aren’t they?

Don’t be a stranger! How is Romeo? He’s not a puppy anymore! I hope you’re doing well.

So sorry that you and husband got Covid. Hope you didn’t suffer too badly from it.

Many hugs and much love sent your way.

Hothouseflower Jun 2023
Sorry your father is not handling being 95. Growing old is not for sissies. I can understand why he’s depressed. My parents are the same age and are as well. There’s not much to be happy about when you are that old, most of your friends are either dead or very sick and you are worried about dying and outliving your money. He’s probably a candidate for an antidepressant. Maybe you can help convince him that he will feel better about life in general if he goes on one. It’s a grim situation but rose colored glasses however artificial could help his outlook.
Romeo13 Jun 2023
Hi Hothouseflower - it's Max. Just wanted to ask a question, and by the way - thanks for your advice. I and/or my husband visit my parents every 2-3 months and stay for 2, 3 or 4 weeks at a time. 1) How long do you visit for and 2) does your mom ask you when you will return, literally, right after we get home? Does she say I will probably die soon so when are you coming back? Thanks, Max
Hothouseflower Jun 2023
If you are posting this, you already know that this story is weird. This is not the way to meet people. They should join a senior center if they are lonely. I absolutely would insist that they not have these people to their home and discourage them from meeting them for dinner too.

lealonnie1 Jun 2023
If they are competent to make their own decisions, let them make their own decisions........poor or wise, in your eyes.....or move in with them and try managing their lives for them 24/7/365. Which is where this is all leading ANYWAY, right, based on your prior posts?

People from Brooklyn who relocate to other parts of the country love hooking up bc they speak the same language. I doubt these new friends are going to kill your folks or chop their bodies up, but likely share a meal and a few laughs together. People meet online all the time and form friendships and even this all that much different? It seems insane to you but it feels ok to your folks, so maybe trust their gut on this one. Repeat the suggestion to meet in a restaurant instead of in moms home for the first meeting, just in case they need to make a hasty retreat for some reason.

Good luck.

Catskie62 Jun 2023
Max!!! Hope you're doing well. Ask yourself this..would you invite perfect strangers into your home, it's not a good idea for mom&dad. ((Hugs))

NeedHelpWithMom Jun 2023

I am so sorry to hear this sad news about your father. I can relate to what you have expressed. I can understand why your dad feels as he does. I saw my mom suffering with depression.

My mom lived to be 95. She would have gladly welcomed death instead of suffering with Parkinson’s disease.

She missed my dad terribly. She buried a son. She saw many family members and friends die. Life can become extremely difficult as we age.

Your dad certainly isn’t alone in thinking this way. Many seniors suffer with depression due to living far too long. I can’t say that I blame them.

I don’t want to live that long. I suppose it’s a bit easier to cope if there aren’t any major health issues or financial problems.

Still, a person can have all the money in the world and be in good health and be terribly lonely. Most of the people they loved in their lives have died.

People are frightened of living into their late nineties and beyond. They fear many things, such as health, outliving their income, loneliness from losing their spouses, family members and friends and so on.

Again, I’m so sorry, Max. When the people we love most in this world are hurting, we hurt too.

Sending many hugs your way today.
Romeo13 Jun 2023
Thank you NeedHelp - My husband and Dad are talking on the phone right now and enjoying one another's conversation like they always do. He's joking around too which is good. Hugs to you too!
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