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Angiegirl68 Asked June 2023

Does Medicare cover home health care for my partner while I'm at work?

MACinCT Jun 2023
For some reason my posts are being duplicated

MACinCT Jun 2023
The vast majority pay for home custodial care out of pocket until they spend down to around 2 k depending upon the state. Then Medicaid can be applied for. Medicaid at home covers a few hours of care per week, but certainly not full time. If you need to continue to work, then Medicaid in a SNF can be applied. If you are concerned about protecting your finances and you are not married, do not spend your money which you need to survive and build up for your old age. Do not quit your job to provide full time care yourself. If you are married, then you should seek legal help to protect your share. To do this wrong can be devastating.


BarbBrooklyn Jun 2023
No, but Medicaid might.


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