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Gloriaargentina Asked July 2023

Every time I bathe my husband, he itches all over. Dermatologist recommend Dove for sensitive skin. Anyone have other recommendations?

Does anyone have recommendations on soap that I can use? Dove is not working. I’m desperate because he can’t remain still, and I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I put anti-itch lotion on, but it takes like a half an hour to begin working and improve the condition. So, then I must wait another hour to shave him!

Sample Jul 2023
I have very sensitive skin and found neutrogena soap very good. Now I also Use aveno body wash.
i don’t shave with cream or soap just water.

Scampie1 Jul 2023
Try the Johnson's baby wash and Johnson's baby lotion. It works wonders. I used both on my husband when he was too ill to shower after chemo.

Johnson's Baby Wash was an old time staple in my home especially after camping trips and bug bites during the summer followed up by cortizone 10 for the bites.

I keep the cortizone 10 for diabetic itchy skin. Sometimes I will itch in areas for no reason and apply this to the skin. It stops it.

Nivea creme is good as well


raspberry8 Jul 2023
For body, I've used Basis Sensitive Skin bar soap. You can purchase it in grocery and drug stores as well as online.

Neutrogena makes an excellent bar soap too; it's amber colored and translucent.

Pjdela Jul 2023
I've had good luck with Aveeno products. Try body wash especially oatmeal. Soaps are drying and mix with hard water and leave soap scum on the tub and the bather. Body wash doesn't seem to do that nearly as much. Watch out for fragrances as others have mentioned. Some even give me a headache. A certain shampoo smells so strong I feel like I can "taste" it. Yyuuuk! Yes - moisturize with rich cream or even edible oils like almond or coconut from the grocery if he is not allergic to nuts.

XenaJada Jul 2023

Taarna Jul 2023
CeraVe line of skin care products or Aveeno line of skin care products. Opt for body washes that tend to have more moisturizers and less soap in them. Most will be advertised as for "sensitive skin" or "dry skin". Always use a high fat moisturizer on skin after bathing. If this doesn't help, ask doctor for referral to an allergist, he may be sensitive or allergic to some common soap ingredients.

MargaretMcKen Jul 2023
Gloria here are a couple of ideas:
1) How often do you wash him? Perhaps use the sniff test. Most people with sedentary lives wash more than is really necessary, so minimising the problem could help.
2) Where does he itch? All over? For most people, the smelly bits are armpits and crutch, and that’s probably most important. There may be no need to soap his legs or back. Again, minimise the problem.
3) I can’t find the history book (it’s on the farm), but in the old days people ‘washed’ differently. Bath water was often unhygienic and didn’t come out of taps. Wealthy people’s servants warmed absorbent linen cloths, used in succession to rub (gently) the body and remove sweat and dirt. You could try that if nothing else works.

I hope you find a nice easy soap, but if not, get creative!

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2023
Have you tried hypo-allergenic baby wash?

Anabanana Jul 2023
We have done well with Cetaphil soap and moisturizing lotion, and Tru Earth for laundry. An extra rinse cycle may help. (one of my daughters has sensitive skin and is often red and itchy) Slightly cooler water may help too.

Geaton777 Jul 2023
Do you use a moisturizing cream after his shower? CeraVe or Vanicream or Cetaphil are what was recommended by my dermatologist. Not lotion, it has to be cream.

Also, how often are you bathing him? Twice a week should be sufficient depending on his level of activity and soiling. CeraVe and Cetaphil also make a hypoallergenic liquid soap you may want to consider. It's on amazon or at Costco.

gailanncreates Jul 2023
Consult with dermatologist over laundry detergent. I changed both my detergent and my bath soap (to Dove Sensitive) with positive results.

lealonnie1 Jul 2023
You may want to try giving him a Benadryl or Zyrtec an hour before his bathing ritual to see if it helps, but run that idea by his doctor first. Senile pruritis or itchy skin is very common especially with dementia at play and very difficult to treat. You can pick up a can of Dermoplast at the drug store and spray hubbys skin where it's itchy right after his shower. It has a lidocaine base and worked well for my mom when she had itching problems herself.

Good luck.

JoAnn29 Jul 2023
Don't use Ivory. Yes even sensitive Dove my husband complained about. We now use Olay bar soap. No itch. My 7 yr old niece had problems with dry skin, uses Olay, no itch. I have never tried Olay body wash but u can find sample bottles just to test. I have gotten the bars in dollar stores.
AlvaDeer Jul 2023
I am allergic to all things Olay. I break out over few things but do to it. Proving our skin is about as individual as our thumbprints. I like Aveeno which our dematologist and avoidance of anything with scent at all. Many oatmeal soaps are soothing; again watch for addition of fragrance and avoid.
AlvaDeer Jul 2023
I would speak with his doctor. It sounds like something must be going on that is causing this hypersensitivity. Is he on steroids?
ventingisback Jul 2023
Right. Check side-effects of medicines.


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