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Exveemon Asked July 2023

Do you dream of your deceased parent? Dead mother still disciplines me. Kind of odd dream really.

I just had a dream where I was about to do something very stupid but also a grave mistake and as I was about to do said stupid thing, my mother appeared to me and said, "Stop fooling around and get back to work."

Needless to say, in the dream, I stopped immediately before going through with it and I woke up.

NeedHelpWithMom Jul 2023
I don’t really dream of my parents very often. I have had more dreams of my grandmother.

Tiredniece23 Jul 2023
Yes. I dream of my mom and dad. I sometimes do hear them in my dreams chastising me to check on my brother, or chastising me about something, and I hear their voices clearly. 👍🏼


Ohwow323 Jul 2023
Oh how wonderful! To know that your mama is still in your memories and advising you what to do! I have a daughter and grands and sometimes I just want my mama to advise me on what to do! I wish she were still here she would love her great grands they are soooo precious and they are just loves. And her granddaughter is just so loving. I wish both were here to see them grow. Anyway, look at it as a great memory and your mama loves you sooooo much!!!

KNance72 Jul 2023
My Mom Pops In . Recently she told me " She had to get to California " That Is where My Dad Is . I dreamt he fell and was given Oxygen and she was sitting By His Bed . After Quarantine his fridge broke . My Mom Popped in again in a sports Car eating French fries and said " Hop In Karen we are going to Home Depot " The Next day I Made My Father go to Home Depot - Ordered a LYFT and Bought a fridge . I Dreamt of My Father 5 times Last week - He is still alive . I believe we are Visited By Night . I Know the year before she Passed she was in My dreams every night and I would wonder why is she in my dreams every night ? I Know the Night before My brother Passed he was Dressed in Black denim and said " Karen I am ready to Leave , I am ready to go . " and he Passed the next Morning . I Think These dreams are a Gift .
NeedHelpWithMom Jul 2023
Cute dreams! 😊
Catskie62 Jul 2023
My dad passed away 7 years ago. He's in every dream and they're all so similar. I'm in warehouse like building with metal stairs. Looking for someone or something but cant find what I'm looking for. I never properly grieved the death of my father.

akababy7 Jul 2023
I dream about my dad. He has been gone 12 years. They are always good dreams. I am happy and sad when I wake up though.
Exveemon Jul 2023
Yes I know the happy/sad feeling.
I was happy to have seen my Mom and sad when I woke up and remembered that she isn't here.

BUT still, it's an experience I cherish.
NeedHelpWithMom Jul 2023
I dream of my grandmother the most. I don’t dream as much about my mom and dad.

cinderblock Jul 2023
Yes, I spend a lot of nights painting with my Dad. I wish sometimes that I could just stay asleep! I was blessed to have worked alongside my Dad for 15 years.

Midkid58 Jul 2023
I 'feel' my daddy's sweet presence around me a lot. I don't feel my mom's. Daddy's been gone 19 years, mom, 8 months.

It's always a pleasant a lovely feeling to sense Daddy is with me.

Oedgar23 Jul 2023
My beloved dad, gone 18 months now, had appeared several times in the beginning. The most memorable was him standing beside his truck holding the door open for me, as if we were going out to lunch. We did that a lot. Recently, after a hard day with my mother, he was in a dream about to hug me.

AlvaDeer Jul 2023
You have written of your deep connection and your grieving process, and I am not at all surprised at your vivid dream.

My parents are gone now many years and it is rare they enter my dreams now, but they sometimes do, and always in a positive way. My brother, a more recent loss, is frequently in my dreams, doing with me the things we loved to do together, antiquing, collecting.

I consider dreams a marvelous guidance and message system in my life, and I love interpreting them for myself. When I repeat the dream aloud, or write it down, the messaging of my subconscious self to my conscious self is always very clear.
Exveemon Jul 2023
Yes indeed. Ain't hardly a stronger deterant to stay on the straight and narrow path; when I literally have my deceased Mom in my dreams telling me to behave myself 🤣.

The thing is. It's literally directly related to a certain temptation I was thinking of recently. It's amazing how specific the dream was to that patlrticular temptation. Mother sure knows best.
Grandma1954 Jul 2023
This is her telling you what you already know is the right thing to do.
When I was little I would scuff my feet as I walked. The toes of my shoes were all scuffed up, in the summer when I was barefoot I ALWAYS stubbed my toes. My Mom would tell me..."Stand up strait, pick up your feet when you walk!" To this day I hear her voice in my head when I catch my foot on something.
It is funny that this comes up Mom died 58 years ago on the 3rd. She is still with me! Your mom is with you as well. Listen to her words of wisdom
Exveemon Jul 2023
Lol thanks. Yes indeed. This is her warning me not to do something stupid for 5 mins of pleasure.

That's such a blessing to know my Mom is literally still looking over me ... somewhere in the afterlife without the burden of Parkinson's.

How else would she have been able to catch up to me in the dream and so sternly tell me off ?
AnnReid Jul 2023
I used to dream that I’d encounter my father in a beautiful park.

He’d be dressed in his best suit, and we’d see each other from some distance, but he’d never speak to me.

Ultimately I realized that he’s always near me but we communicate in ways different from those we did when he was physically here.

My belief and I’m stickin’ to it.
Exveemon Jul 2023
Amen to that.
Sone may choose to say it's "just my brain" but I refuse to minimize the experience.

I know what I experienced.
I was considering doing something dumb, selfish and shameful...and my Mom came to me in my dream and gave me a stern warning. I'm not too old to take correction, so I will listen to her.


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