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M191315 Asked July 2023

I recently moved to CT with my 88-year-old mom who has dementia. She isn’t mobile. Her NY license has expired. How do I get her a photo ID?

MACinCT Jul 2023
You have to check with the CT DMV. I had to do the same moving mom from MA to SC. However she did not ever have citizenship papers and yet I still at least got a handicap pass and I sent a recent ID via a new photo. She only had an expired passport. Just hold on to her expired ID. The only thing that I could find was without the Real ID, she could not go on a plane or enter a Federal building like a courthouse. Otherwise her doctors offices accepted her old ID

AlvaDeer Jul 2023
In California our local DMV gives senior identification. Takes photo, etc. Fun outing for people watching. Took my brother and all his ID and his license which got turned in, and took home the Senior ID. Check in your area for details by googling "senior identification card/and your state. They will tell you what ID to bring. In Cali we can register to vote same place same time.
Cashew Jul 2023
It is the same here in Missouri. Made for a nice day out with Mom. She was only half blind. And she used to call it her "walking license". lol


97yroldmom Jul 2023
Hi there
If I were you I would visit your local drivers license website. See what you find there. Then try calling. Last choice but perhaps the best, take all her documentation (should be on the website) and visit their office w/o mom, to plead your case. I know I had to take my DH aunt twice because we didn’t have all the documents required the first time AND she had not moved, was in the same state where she had been all her life.
It might be a little difficult if all the items she has to prove residence are in your name. I’m not sure if a care contract between the two of you would work? Just mentioned that as something you could try as a substitute for a utility bill, etc.
It is always easier if the existing license has not expired before you get the ID. Aunts had expired.


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