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ventingisback Asked August 2023

What kind of people get on your nerves?

As caregivers/helpers, we’re already dealing with un-ending stress. Add to that people we bump into who get on our nerves:


What kind of people get on your nerves?


It can help to let it out. For me, it’s rude people. And people who do things behind your back.

AlvaDeer Aug 2023
Argumentative "right-fighters" who cannot accept that we are all different, we all have different opinions and different ways of seeing the world, and we don't all have to agree on something in order to be decent and respectful of one another.
oldageisnotfun Aug 2023
In this case I do agree with you AD :)

Well said. The ones we feel like saying, Give me a break.
Gershun Aug 2023
For me it's fake people. I'd rather be around a genuine a**hole than be around a fake saint.
Isthisrealyreal Aug 2023
I agree 100%.

It's good to know where people stand.


Gershun Aug 2023
My mom was very uplifting and inspiring. Whenever I would get sad, mad, stressed out? All I needed was a mom fix. I miss that so much among other things.

She's the only person I've ever known where we could just sit and not even talk and it was just fine. No pressure ever to talk or be anything but who we were.

Love you Mom!
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023
And special grandparents too!
Fawnby Aug 2023
People who insist the Covid pandemic is over. LO, me and others are at high risk. With our comorbidities, Covid could devastate us. Yet so many are saying Covid isn’t real. It was certainly real to 12 of my family members and friends. They’re dead. In the US, more than 9000 people with Covid were hospitalized in the last week of July 2023. 500 - 600 dying each week. According to Associated Press.
MJ1929 Aug 2023

My husband and I are on vacation visiting our two sons and daughter-in-law. DIL just started a new job last week doing in-home speech therapy for early childhood patients.

Someone in one of those homes just couldn't be bothered to cancel their appointment because someone was sick, and DIL was down with Covid within 36 hours.

I'm now the only one left standing. Four people in this house have it, and I'm cooking, cleaning, walking the dog, picking up prescriptions and groceries, and I don't want to catch it. I know I will, too.

Ironically, two weeks ago my DIL left a hospital job she had throughout Covid doing post-stroke speech therapy for patients with Covid. She never caught it there.
oldageisnotfun Aug 2023
Venting great question.

Hmm.. let me think...probably about 98% I've met.. I agree with others too about genuine people and not pretentious people.

I think there's group of certain usernames that sound really genuine on this forum for instance.

It's hard to meet a true friend for example; someone that will not bail on you the moment things get tough, someone you can depend on and will not judge you. I knew someone like this once. No longer on this planet, but still missed.

I believe there are, friends, and there are, true friend in this world, by the time you're taking tally of remaining friend in your life, the true one's for a lot of people will be 10 fingers minus 9 fingers, and some never have a true friend.
I guess if people have partners, their other half is supposed to be their true friend.

In desperate situations—survival situations—you'll soon see who your true friends are. So it's people who pretend to be good friends but end up being superficial when you need them most.
MargaretMcKen Aug 2023
One of mine is those who say "genuine people". Fakes are hard to find.
JoAnn29 Aug 2023
People who whine and cry. Then you give them suggestions and there is always a reason why they can't do it. Its like they want u to do it for them when they are perfectly capable of doing it themselves.
NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023
I call them, the ‘Yes, but’ people. They are stuck…it happens. They are miserable and indeed they do make others uncomfortable.
BarbBrooklyn Aug 2023
Overly polite people.
anonymous1732518 Aug 2023
Interesting like who?
cwillie Aug 2023
People who always need to have the last word.

Tiredniece23 Aug 2023
Bossy, aggressive people. The kind to try to get you to spend all of your time with the loved one, to make their lives easier, then complain how you're taken care of the loved one.
oldageisnotfun Aug 2023
yeah them too.. I think we're going to get to me 98% of the people fairly soon..... :)
Tynagh Aug 2023
Lately, it's been the kind who are breathing in my general vicinity. ;) It's a joke, folks so no need to get upset.
ventingisback Aug 2023
Holding my breath.
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