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GC7321 Asked August 2023

Question on finances for senior.

My dad has a lot of health issues and just broke his hip. The insurance won’t pay for rehab after only 3 weeks so he’s coming home tomorrow. He gave everyone in the family some money from selling his house after my mom passed away in 2020. He has some money left a sizable amount that will be gone through as he is going to have aide stay with him till he gets well enough to walk or permanently. I don’t know where this is going to be honest. My question is do we have to return the money after he runs out of his money or can he qualify for Medicaid after he runs out of money. He wants us to keep the money. The money was given to us about 3 years ago. Thanks.

JoAnn29 Aug 2023
I don't know if you will be required to pay the money back but Dad will have a penalty for gifting the profit. Since it was done 3 years ago, try to care for Dad for the next 2 yrs. After 5 years he can get Medicaid help and the gifts will mean nothing. If he has enough money for an Assisted Living, make sure it lasts over the next 2 yrs. The look back is 5 yrs in most States.

P.S. Just saw ur from NJ, so am I. The look back period for Medicaid in NJ is 5 yrs.

patpaul Aug 2023
It's wonderful to see how helpful you are to the agenda today. I wasn't sure how this new poster who found the forum today missed that question since it was atop the new questions list but thankfully you came in with an assist.


NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2023
Each state has their own laws regarding Medicaid.

Have you checked the requirements for your area?

I don’t know how long your father is planning to hire someone or how much he will be paying for help.

When you had your care meeting, did they suggest that your father could stay longer and pay out of pocket?

My mother stayed a few extra days in rehab and paid out of pocket. I don’t believe that it was enormously expensive. This may be cheaper than paying for help and he would be receiving OT and PT.

Also, have you asked his doctor about doing home health? My mom did home health several times. You will receive, OT, PT and an aide for assistance with bathing. Insurance pays for home health.

Best wishes to you and your dad.


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