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kansasred Asked August 2023

Nursing Home Trusts.

On 8/21/23, Joshua Rae ( replied to a question from tidalblue. Her situation (older spouse) is similar to mine and his response was very valuable. My question for Joshua: would your response be the same if it were applied to Medical in California? My understanding is that there are some differences between Medical and Medicaid. Thank you.

igloo572 Aug 2023
Red, Please be aware that for 2024 California’s Medi-Cal system will undergo another sea change for “assets” for their “at-need” programs like LTC custodial care.

Right now: 130K ASSETS for individuals & 195K couples

Jan 1, 2024, will be Income only & NO ASSET MAXIMUM.
Read that again, INCOME ONLY….. NO ASSET MAX starting 2024.

A sea change for how to approach the oncoming tsunami of boomers needing & filing for CA Medicaid programs. Just Frickin’ Amazing. So if you are worried about asset limits, forgetabtit.

Still will have income ceiling & income copay requirements to the facility - just as exists now & for all other States as they do their LTC Medicaid programs. MERP aka Medicaid estate recovery will still exist as a required after death attempt required to be done.

But from healthcare planning perspective, (what I did last millennium), this is a sea change of an approach as to how to deal with a huge current and future problem. Medi-Cal income limits still remain tied to family poverty level (@ 138% FPL) which is what most States use. FPL as baseline provides for uniformity & flexibility as I bet CA will opt to do adjustment by HCOL or county to use MAGI plus 5-8 points for FPL. Plus way less paperwork for Medi-cal staffers. Income gets verified from outside sources (PARIS matching) so $ flat surfaces & fraud found. For elderly & their family & POA in CA, it removes the forced / fear factor to have to sell a house or buy something right now under duress. It’s amazing. Lucky you!!!

Do realize that by applying for LTC Medicaid program with a lookback, whether it’s Medi-Cal in California or Husky in Connecticut or TennCare in Tennessee, you allow for a full all-access pass to anything tied to your and your spouse SS#. Property, pensions, IRS, SSA, banking, LLCs, financial institutions, etc. caseworker can get access for a look back concern if need be. And you won’t necessarily be notified that this has happened.

cwillie Aug 2023
The AMA was was a limited event and only available until Aug 23.



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