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HelpMomPls Asked September 24, 2023

What to do if mom with early dementia suddenly decides she doesn't want to wear underwear anymore? No specific reason why given.

Beatty Oct 5, 2023
Underwear. Such a simple & dignified garment. Or a troublesome, uncomfortable hindrance?

- Feeling rashy..?
- Underwear getting in the way when urgency is an issue?
(Just flip up the skirt & go)
- Bending pain or stiffness? Or hand stiffnes? Arthritis?
- Wet. Inability or embarresment to find & put on clean underwear.

Some ladies take to MuMuus to make dressing easier (maybe commando style too). An Asian friend said her parents swapped to 'leisure wear' at 60. All matching velour suits with easy zip up tops & elastic waist pants. I'm not judging.. but she was 🤣
OncehatedDIL Oct 5, 2023
The older I get, the better those velour suits start to look.;)
Fawnby Oct 4, 2023
This seems like more than early dementia. Time to consider a care facility. They are professionals and know how to handle it.


Cashew Oct 4, 2023
I want to be free! lol.
I know that as a child, i didn't want to wear underwear. I think it might be a retrograde thing.
there are dementia outfits that are made to keep the person dressed.
My mom never got nudist on me but her mom (grandma) would strip in the lobby of her care home. :)

lealonnie1 Sep 24, 2023
From your profile:
I am caring for my mother Diane, who is 85 years old with age-related decline, alzheimer's / dementia, depression, incontinence, and mobility problems.

There is no rhyme or reason to why elders with dementia make the decisions they do. However, they must comply with sanitary living conditions in your home or else move into Memory Care Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing care.

Explain to her how she must wear Depends or the underwear you put in her drawer to stay dry. You'll likely need to explain this to her repeatedly. If she still pulls off the incontinence briefs, then you can dress her in an anti strip suit here:

You put her in a Depends, then the jumpsuit, and change her brief as needed.

Start looking into managed care for when it all becomes too much to manage.

Good luck.

Geaton777 Sep 24, 2023
Supply disposable briefs and incentivize her to wear them. If she doesn't/won' keep them on you may have to consider anti-strip clothing for ALZ/dementia patients.

This is one of many suppliers.

funkygrandma59 Sep 24, 2023
Could it be that it's because she knows that she now needs diapers(Depends) instead of her underwear?
Your profile says that she's incontinent, and often folks deal with their loved one not wanting to stop wearing their underwear when they really need Depends, so this may be a blessing in disguise as you can now just throw all of her underwear away and replace it with her Depends.
And you don't give her a choice on whether she's going to wear them or not, you just tell her that she must wear her new "underwear" as you can't have her pee and poop everywhere she sits or as she walks around.
And if getting her to listen to you is just too much now, it may be time to be looking into placing her in a nice memory care facility where they will make darn sure she has her Depends on.
Best wishes.


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