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Sezbez15 Asked September 2023

I am after some advice regarding Parkinson’s dementia or just Parkinson’s.

I have posted on this forum before and it does reassure me that I am not feeling alone. My mother has recently been diagnosed with Parkinson Dementia although on a very small scale. My question is specifically aimed at how she acts. She tells me that all of the neighbours are talking about her and she has even gone to covering up her spyhole from the inside because she says that people can see into her house. Is this normal???? Also I have to be very careful what I talk about as she takes things out of context ie. You don’t normally feed your cat at this time do you prompting her to tell me to p@@s off and hanging up. Then calls me a b@@ch when I phone her back. Is this normal behaviour. I am honestly at my wits end and I don’t know how much more I can take with being her punching bag. She used to have a very short temper when she was younger and we used to walk on eggshells around the house when we were little I just feel that she is going back that way. I am a daughter who takes her everywhere, hospital appointments, shopping, days out. She won’t go out by herself and hasn’t since my dad died 21 years ago. She was 53 at the time and she just give up and let me become her carer. Any advice on where to go. I do feel that I probably should speak to her Parkinson’s nurses but she will be really bad and argumentative if she feels that I’ve gone behind her back. Feeling confused

Evamar Dec 2023
My husband has Parkinson’s disease for over 10 years.
He is the gentlest, most agreeable person, no paranoid or delusional.
But he does not have dementia, I am thinking dementia is responsible for your mother’s unusual behavior.
Parkinson alone affects motor skills, of course, about 40% of people develop dementia in later stage of PD.

Grandma1954 Sep 2023
Paranoia and delusions are common with Parkinson's and LBD (Lewy Body dementia)
There are medications that can help. It might take a while to get the right med and the right dose.
Do let her medical staff know that this is happening.


againx100 Sep 2023
Sorry that your mom has Parkinson's dementia. My uncle ended up with it at the end of his battle with Parkinson's.

I think your mom's behavior is pretty typical with dementia. The best thing you can do is come to terms with the fact that she has a horrible disease and that things are not going to get any better. Let her nasty comments roll right off your back. Laugh them off. Change the subject. Don't expect more from her cuz it's probably not possible.

Best of luck.

funkygrandma59 Sep 2023
The very best thing you can do now is to educate yourself about the horrible disease of dementia as that will help you better understand what your mother is going through. Teepa Snow has a lot of great videos on YouTube and many good books as well.
Paranoia is VERY "normal" with a lot of the dementias, as is getting angry, taking things out of context, and forgetting what time she does what.
And more than likely your mother should no longer be living by herself. That doesn't mean that you take her in, but means that she needs to be in the appropriate facility where she will receive the care and medications she requires, and be kept safe.
Lewy-Body dementia is typically the dementia that goes hand in hand with Parkinson's and that is the second most aggressive of the dementias with a life expectancy of just 5-7 years, so you should expect fairly dramatic changes fairly quickly.
So again educate yourself so you're better prepared for what lies ahead.
God bless you.
AlvaDeer Sep 2023
Can't add a thing to this wonderful answer.


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