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lokelani7 Asked October 6, 2023

Can someone refer us to a good elderly law attorney or someone who handles conservatorship cases?


Hi, I am a caregiver who is caring for a friend who needs a good family law or elderly attorney who handles conservatorship cases. His son is trying to take conservatorship over him. He is furious with his son. His son has taken money from him in the past and has not talked to him for almost a year now. I have been caring for my friend for a year now and his son knows this. The son petitioned him to court at the end of this month Oct. In the petition, he states that squatters are living in his father's home when he knows that I am here taking care of his father and that the father does rent out rooms in his home to two other gentlemen. He stated in his petition that the squatters are renting out rooms and collecting the money. So the renters have both agreed to write statements saying who they pay their rent to and who collects the money. Yes, I helped him with the writing of the receipts. I do that so that I protect both sides my friend has dementia he tends to forget some things I am the one to say, do you have your receipt? There was one incident where I had to remind him that the renter paid.

I don't get paid for taking care of my friend. My boyfriend's sister sends us money every month. When I first came to take care of my friend he had no money, and no food he was on the ground at the side of his house with some man yelling at him to get up, with no pants on, and feces all over the bottom half of his body so I let him know who I was in case he was not in the right state of mind I've known this man for 12 years now, but I was not sure of the state of mind he was in so I was not sure if he would recognize me, I then put my hand out and I asked him. Please help me help you get up okay, at that moment he nodded his head, took my hand and stood up I had a friend come over who is an employee for my friend, he came over got a wheelchair that was in the lanai, we then sat him down. I then took him to the shower and cleaned him up. That day I called his son I was given the number by my friend who helped me put him in the wheelchair because he had known my friend since he was a young kid he had been his neighbor as well as his employee for years. My friend has known of his son but never seen him until this past year. When he came to take the father's credit cards. That was in the middle of 2022. I called the son the day that I found my friend that I take care of , I had a conversation with him telling him what had happened and what kind of state his father was in, by what I was listening to was someone who was too busy to deal with his father's problems and needed to call me back. I was in shock at the answer that his son gave me. His son called me back but I can't remember how long after. By then my friend was coming to where I was staying and I used to cook for him every day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I didn't mind he needed the help. From there things started to happen. Things that the son was responsible for. Like taking of my friend's things I mean tools, machinery, trucks you name it. My friend owned his own company he loved what he did so his tools meant everything to him, but his son had one of his father's friends come and take the father's things from the outside of the house to the inside. He was there to clean out the house. That same friend was seen by one of his neighbors loading up his moving truck (his truck is the moving kind) three weekends in a row, mind you my friend was not home at the time. The neighbors thought nothing of it because they thought he was a friend nope he stole a lot of tools that were not supposed to be taken. He would leave before my friend would get home. There is so much more to be said but I need to find my friend a very good attorney. So if you can excuse me I need to get to work my friend is here telling me let’s get a move on time is flying past us and we need to get one. Thank you so very much for taking the time to read our problem, but I now need to say good bye.

anonymous1768885 Oct 9, 2023
Your friend is not capable of living on his own based on your post. He needs to be in a facility. Dont give up your financial future to care for this friend, it will ruin you.

KNance72 Oct 9, 2023
You Can go on YELP and type in Elder attorney in your vicinity and read the reviews . Then make phone calls . Some lawyers will give you a free half hour consultation or speak with you over the phone . it is a process .


AlvaDeer Oct 6, 2023
You are currently "taking care" of a gentleman not your relative with no legal right to do so, unless you left out the part of your are his POA. Your friend's son will almost certainly win conservatorship over him. Your friend suffers from dementia, so a judge will take the next of kin as lawful conservator given you have not addressed a legal way to do this when your friend was NOT suffering from dementia.

Yes, do see this attorney with ALL PAPER WORK and with any accounts he has and proof that this money from these renters is deposited in his own account.

The courts are very loathe to take a citizen's right from him. The son has to apply for conservatorship through the court. The court will appoint his father, if he wishes to fight the son, an attorney. All of that means you need to be ready with good proof and so does your friend, to appear at the court hearing. If your friend is not judged incompetent then he may be able to make some of his own decisions before the court. But clearly, right now, you are in danger of accusations of elder abuse if every penny of your friends money cannot be accounted for.

An elder law attorney in your area should be able to handle this case. I would consult one by googling Elder Law Attorney.
lokelani7 Oct 9, 2023
Good morning I didn't have time to finish my problem but yes I do have a POA for him. We are in the process of meeting with an attorney today. We told him our story, and he said we would go through everything when we met. Thank you so much for your feedback. I would appreciate more feedback, please, the more knowledge the more powerful.
Dupedwife Oct 6, 2023
You can Google elder law attorney in your state/county and read their website to make sure they specialize in conservatorship then hire one to guide you through the process.
lokelani7 Oct 6, 2023
thank you very much


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